Brentwood: currently 7°C, light rain
high today 12°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:51, sunset 15:49
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Peter Donegan

Peter joined me for a chat on the phone. We spoke about his career, his Dad Lonnie and the 2 charities he is involved with one being Homeless Worldwide ( a charity I’ve spoken about before that raises awareness about how bad homeless is in the UK and around the world ) the other being his own charity Little Man Fund ( a charity that aims to help raise awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorder). You can find both of these charities here.

If you missed our little chat listen below to hear it in full plus 2 great songs from Peter

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Peter Donegan

Peter joined me for a chat on the phone. We spoke about his career, his Dad Lonnie and the 2 charities he is involved with one being Homeless Worldwide ( a charity I’ve spoken about before that raises awareness about how bad homeless is in the UK and around the world ) the other being his own charity Little Man Fund ( a charity that aims to help raise awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorder). You can find both of these charities here.

If you missed our little chat listen below to hear it in full plus 2 great songs from Peter

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Peter Donegan

Peter joined me for a chat on the phone. We spoke about his career, his Dad Lonnie and the 2 charities he is involved with one being Homeless Worldwide ( a charity I’ve spoken about before that raises awareness about how bad homeless is in the UK and around the world ) the other being his own charity Little Man Fund ( a charity that aims to help raise awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorder). You can find both of these charities here.

If you missed our little chat listen below to hear it in full plus 2 great songs from Peter

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Peter Donegan

Peter joined me for a chat on the phone. We spoke about his career, his Dad Lonnie and the 2 charities he is involved with one being Homeless Worldwide ( a charity I’ve spoken about before that raises awareness about how bad homeless is in the UK and around the world ) the other being his own charity Little Man Fund ( a charity that aims to help raise awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorder). You can find both of these charities here.

If you missed our little chat listen below to hear it in full plus 2 great songs from Peter

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