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high today 21°C, low tonight 14°C
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Sue Matthews from Save Shenfield Library

Michelle Ward was joined in the studio by Sue Matthews from SAVE SHENFIELD LIBRARY.

Susan Barker, cabinet member for customer, communities, culture and corporate, made the following statement: “Our future libraries strategy has changed drastically due to what the people of Essex told us. I am delighted that the consultation ignited such passion for keeping the service alive. We assured everyone that their feedback would be taken into account, and it has – all our libraries now have a future.

Sue explains the importance of the library and how its essential to their local community. The petition to save the library had nearly 9k signatures.




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Sue Matthews from Save Shenfield Library

Michelle Ward was joined in the studio by Sue Matthews from SAVE SHENFIELD LIBRARY.

Susan Barker, cabinet member for customer, communities, culture and corporate, made the following statement: “Our future libraries strategy has changed drastically due to what the people of Essex told us. I am delighted that the consultation ignited such passion for keeping the service alive. We assured everyone that their feedback would be taken into account, and it has – all our libraries now have a future.

Sue explains the importance of the library and how its essential to their local community. The petition to save the library had nearly 9k signatures.




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Sue Matthews from Save Shenfield Library

Michelle Ward was joined in the studio by Sue Matthews from SAVE SHENFIELD LIBRARY.

Susan Barker, cabinet member for customer, communities, culture and corporate, made the following statement: “Our future libraries strategy has changed drastically due to what the people of Essex told us. I am delighted that the consultation ignited such passion for keeping the service alive. We assured everyone that their feedback would be taken into account, and it has – all our libraries now have a future.

Sue explains the importance of the library and how its essential to their local community. The petition to save the library had nearly 9k signatures.




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Sue Matthews from Save Shenfield Library

Michelle Ward was joined in the studio by Sue Matthews from SAVE SHENFIELD LIBRARY.

Susan Barker, cabinet member for customer, communities, culture and corporate, made the following statement: “Our future libraries strategy has changed drastically due to what the people of Essex told us. I am delighted that the consultation ignited such passion for keeping the service alive. We assured everyone that their feedback would be taken into account, and it has – all our libraries now have a future.

Sue explains the importance of the library and how its essential to their local community. The petition to save the library had nearly 9k signatures.




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