Brentwood: currently 7°C, cloudy
high today 11°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:44, sunset 15:51
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New Brentwood Council leader Chris Hossack talks to Phoenix FM

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Last week Cllr Chris Hossack became leader of Brentwood Borough Council, taking over from Louise McKinlay who had been in charge for nine out of the last ten years.

Chris is no stranger to Phoenix FM, having been part of our team seven years ago – so it was great to welcome him back to the studio for his first major interview as Leader.

Chris talked about his own career in local politics and the biggest challenges facing Brentwood at the moment, including the challenge of rejuvenating our high streets and building enough new houses to meet demand – and what he can do for those people who didn’t vote for the current administration.

Click the link above to hear what he has to say.

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New Brentwood Council leader Chris Hossack talks to Phoenix FM

Click below to listen to the interview again:

Last week Cllr Chris Hossack became leader of Brentwood Borough Council, taking over from Louise McKinlay who had been in charge for nine out of the last ten years.

Chris is no stranger to Phoenix FM, having been part of our team seven years ago – so it was great to welcome him back to the studio for his first major interview as Leader.

Chris talked about his own career in local politics and the biggest challenges facing Brentwood at the moment, including the challenge of rejuvenating our high streets and building enough new houses to meet demand – and what he can do for those people who didn’t vote for the current administration.

Click the link above to hear what he has to say.

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New Brentwood Council leader Chris Hossack talks to Phoenix FM

Click below to listen to the interview again:

Last week Cllr Chris Hossack became leader of Brentwood Borough Council, taking over from Louise McKinlay who had been in charge for nine out of the last ten years.

Chris is no stranger to Phoenix FM, having been part of our team seven years ago – so it was great to welcome him back to the studio for his first major interview as Leader.

Chris talked about his own career in local politics and the biggest challenges facing Brentwood at the moment, including the challenge of rejuvenating our high streets and building enough new houses to meet demand – and what he can do for those people who didn’t vote for the current administration.

Click the link above to hear what he has to say.

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New Brentwood Council leader Chris Hossack talks to Phoenix FM

Click below to listen to the interview again:

Last week Cllr Chris Hossack became leader of Brentwood Borough Council, taking over from Louise McKinlay who had been in charge for nine out of the last ten years.

Chris is no stranger to Phoenix FM, having been part of our team seven years ago – so it was great to welcome him back to the studio for his first major interview as Leader.

Chris talked about his own career in local politics and the biggest challenges facing Brentwood at the moment, including the challenge of rejuvenating our high streets and building enough new houses to meet demand – and what he can do for those people who didn’t vote for the current administration.

Click the link above to hear what he has to say.

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