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high today 17°C, low tonight 12°C
sunrise 07:10, sunset 18:22
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Billericay Community Garden – Open Day this Saturday

Billericay Community Garden have an open day on Saturday 13th April. They really could do with quite a few extra pairs of hands even if it’s for just an hour. The main focus will be to start clearing phase 2 of the garden, which is to be part of a sensory garden, The Community Garden have some funding to make a start on paths but first off they need to clear and level the area.

Please pop in, they could really do with the help

Saturday from 09:30-15:30

Billericay Community Garden, Church View, CM12 9LD Billericay, Essex

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Billericay Community Garden – Open Day this Saturday

Billericay Community Garden have an open day on Saturday 13th April. They really could do with quite a few extra pairs of hands even if it’s for just an hour. The main focus will be to start clearing phase 2 of the garden, which is to be part of a sensory garden, The Community Garden have some funding to make a start on paths but first off they need to clear and level the area.

Please pop in, they could really do with the help

Saturday from 09:30-15:30

Billericay Community Garden, Church View, CM12 9LD Billericay, Essex

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Billericay Community Garden – Open Day this Saturday

Billericay Community Garden have an open day on Saturday 13th April. They really could do with quite a few extra pairs of hands even if it’s for just an hour. The main focus will be to start clearing phase 2 of the garden, which is to be part of a sensory garden, The Community Garden have some funding to make a start on paths but first off they need to clear and level the area.

Please pop in, they could really do with the help

Saturday from 09:30-15:30

Billericay Community Garden, Church View, CM12 9LD Billericay, Essex

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Billericay Community Garden – Open Day this Saturday

Billericay Community Garden have an open day on Saturday 13th April. They really could do with quite a few extra pairs of hands even if it’s for just an hour. The main focus will be to start clearing phase 2 of the garden, which is to be part of a sensory garden, The Community Garden have some funding to make a start on paths but first off they need to clear and level the area.

Please pop in, they could really do with the help

Saturday from 09:30-15:30

Billericay Community Garden, Church View, CM12 9LD Billericay, Essex

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