It comes to something when a children’s cartoon comes under attack for sexism but the show narrator of the cartoon PEPPA PIG has come under fire for using the word “FIREMAN”.
Yes truly the London Fire Brigade apparently found time to watch the episode “THE FIRE ENGINE” and accused the programme of using out of date stereotypical gender specific wording, which they suggested could send the message to kids, that young girls could not also become firefighters – and this in spite of the fact, that in this particular episode female characters were depicted as taking up the firefighting role to save the dads after they mess up a BBQ.
One person who came to the show’s defence pointed out that Ms Rabbit does nearly everything in the show, shop owner, helicopter pilot, rescue, you name it!
But a spokes person for the LFG said “We need to challenge outdated language that our research shows is stopping young girls and women from considering firefighting as a rewarding and professional career.
“It was widely reported that a four-year-old named Esme said she couldn’t be a firefighter because she was a girl. This shows that children’s cartoons make a huge impression on young people and it’s high time for all media to treat us with respect and call us firefighters – as we have been for the past 30 years.”
Wonder what they make of FIREMAN SAM and POSTMAN PAT!
Being a Tuesday Margaret Mills returned to tell us about the “revolting” clergymen of Colchester. Well “rebellious’ is probably a better description. It was at the time of Henry VIII and the clergymen involved were up in arms at the King for turning his back on the Pope and introducing Protestantism.
Listen here to what Margaret told me on this subject: –
I’ll see you once more next week,