Have you ever watched the TV programme, HOW CLEAN IS YOUR HOUSE?
Well in all honesty I doubt there can be too many properties as bad as some of those faced by LEANNE and KENNY ELLIOTT who run two cleaning businesses, Certitude Cleaning Services Ltd and Traumatic Clean Up.
One tiny flat, which took 5 hours to clear, contained 4 tons of rubbish including 400 bags of human excrement and more than 250 bottles of urine with almost every available inch of rooms being covered in filth. There were 70 bottles of urine in the airing cupboard alone and the bath was full of poo.
You might think twice before accepting a dinner invitation there!
Being a Tuesday Margaret Mills returned to tell us about an unusual First World War memorial at Dollyman’s Farm, Rawreth, close to Wickford.
The memorial was to commemorate the lives of two airman – Captain Henry Stroud, who was buried in Rochford and Captain Alexander Kynoch who’s final resting place was in Finchley where his family lived.
The two men died when both of their planes crashed in bad weather just before the end of the war – in March 1918.
Listen again here to what Margaret told me today: –
I’ll see you again next week,