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Brentwood Council Leader Louise McKinlay to step down

At Ordinary Council on February 27, where the Budget for 2019/20 was approved, Cllr Louise McKinlay announced her decision to step down as Leader.

Louise McKinlay at Phoenix FM

Cllr McKinlay said; “I feel extremely privileged to have been Leader for 10 years and proud of the achievements that have been made. The Brentwood Business Showcase, The Town Hall Community Hub transformation, the establishment of Seven Arches Investment Limited – which has just purchased its second commercial income generating property – and the Joint Venture to completely reinvigorate the town centre are just some examples. I would like to thank everyone who has worked with me over the last decade. From colleagues and council staff past and present to partners, residents, businesses and local organisations, I have enjoyed working with all of you and look forward to seeing the next phase for Brentwood and the Council. “

Leaders from across the political divide responded by paying tribute to Cllr McKinlay’s hard work and loyalty to residents across the years. Her appointment as Leader in May 2009 saw her take up the role as the youngest ever female Council Leader in the country.

Chief Executive Officer Phil Ruck said; “It has been a great pleasure working with Cllr Louise McKinlay who has encouraged us with her vision and supported her goals with her dedication and hard work. We thank her for her contributions to the borough, and I am sure she will continue to help the residents of the borough. I wish her the very best for the future.”

A new Leader will be appointed in May.

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Brentwood Council Leader Louise McKinlay to step down

At Ordinary Council on February 27, where the Budget for 2019/20 was approved, Cllr Louise McKinlay announced her decision to step down as Leader.

Louise McKinlay at Phoenix FM

Cllr McKinlay said; “I feel extremely privileged to have been Leader for 10 years and proud of the achievements that have been made. The Brentwood Business Showcase, The Town Hall Community Hub transformation, the establishment of Seven Arches Investment Limited – which has just purchased its second commercial income generating property – and the Joint Venture to completely reinvigorate the town centre are just some examples. I would like to thank everyone who has worked with me over the last decade. From colleagues and council staff past and present to partners, residents, businesses and local organisations, I have enjoyed working with all of you and look forward to seeing the next phase for Brentwood and the Council. “

Leaders from across the political divide responded by paying tribute to Cllr McKinlay’s hard work and loyalty to residents across the years. Her appointment as Leader in May 2009 saw her take up the role as the youngest ever female Council Leader in the country.

Chief Executive Officer Phil Ruck said; “It has been a great pleasure working with Cllr Louise McKinlay who has encouraged us with her vision and supported her goals with her dedication and hard work. We thank her for her contributions to the borough, and I am sure she will continue to help the residents of the borough. I wish her the very best for the future.”

A new Leader will be appointed in May.

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Brentwood Council Leader Louise McKinlay to step down

At Ordinary Council on February 27, where the Budget for 2019/20 was approved, Cllr Louise McKinlay announced her decision to step down as Leader.

Louise McKinlay at Phoenix FM

Cllr McKinlay said; “I feel extremely privileged to have been Leader for 10 years and proud of the achievements that have been made. The Brentwood Business Showcase, The Town Hall Community Hub transformation, the establishment of Seven Arches Investment Limited – which has just purchased its second commercial income generating property – and the Joint Venture to completely reinvigorate the town centre are just some examples. I would like to thank everyone who has worked with me over the last decade. From colleagues and council staff past and present to partners, residents, businesses and local organisations, I have enjoyed working with all of you and look forward to seeing the next phase for Brentwood and the Council. “

Leaders from across the political divide responded by paying tribute to Cllr McKinlay’s hard work and loyalty to residents across the years. Her appointment as Leader in May 2009 saw her take up the role as the youngest ever female Council Leader in the country.

Chief Executive Officer Phil Ruck said; “It has been a great pleasure working with Cllr Louise McKinlay who has encouraged us with her vision and supported her goals with her dedication and hard work. We thank her for her contributions to the borough, and I am sure she will continue to help the residents of the borough. I wish her the very best for the future.”

A new Leader will be appointed in May.

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Brentwood Council Leader Louise McKinlay to step down

At Ordinary Council on February 27, where the Budget for 2019/20 was approved, Cllr Louise McKinlay announced her decision to step down as Leader.

Louise McKinlay at Phoenix FM

Cllr McKinlay said; “I feel extremely privileged to have been Leader for 10 years and proud of the achievements that have been made. The Brentwood Business Showcase, The Town Hall Community Hub transformation, the establishment of Seven Arches Investment Limited – which has just purchased its second commercial income generating property – and the Joint Venture to completely reinvigorate the town centre are just some examples. I would like to thank everyone who has worked with me over the last decade. From colleagues and council staff past and present to partners, residents, businesses and local organisations, I have enjoyed working with all of you and look forward to seeing the next phase for Brentwood and the Council. “

Leaders from across the political divide responded by paying tribute to Cllr McKinlay’s hard work and loyalty to residents across the years. Her appointment as Leader in May 2009 saw her take up the role as the youngest ever female Council Leader in the country.

Chief Executive Officer Phil Ruck said; “It has been a great pleasure working with Cllr Louise McKinlay who has encouraged us with her vision and supported her goals with her dedication and hard work. We thank her for her contributions to the borough, and I am sure she will continue to help the residents of the borough. I wish her the very best for the future.”

A new Leader will be appointed in May.

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