It was back last October when my guest today – GLENN GODFREY first came in to see us at PHOENIX FM.
Read all about that first visit here: –
Far from sitting on his hands, Glenn has been hard at work producing his new single with an accompanying video which you can watch here: –
Catch up with all that Glenn has been up to by listening again to my chat with him today here: –
In the second hour of today’s show, we heard all about the Essex store where, if you so wish you can purchase pickled human body parts.
Depending on your requirements prices vary from £10 to anything up to about £2650.
Visitors to the store called “CURIOSITIES FROM THE 5th CORNER” are greeted with the strains of Scandinavian music, and the burning of white sage incense sticks which create a haze of white smoke across the room.
They probably also help to freshen the environment, especially if any of the items have gone a bit past their sell-by date.
Owner of the store, HENRY SCRAGG, gave up his job as gardener at Anglia Ruskin University and initially spent hours searching for items on eBay and car boot sales, before displaying his trophies at a vintage fair at Colchester Castle in 2011, where he was offered space in the jail cells, which he thought ideal for the display of his somewhat macabre offerings.
As a special birthday treat Henry took his 4-year old daughter to the British Museum to show her the Egyptian mummies, as apparently she always gets excited by mummified body parts.
In the future Henry says he would like to establish a mobile curiosity shop.
Wonder if he runs sales or any 2 for 1 offers!
See you once again tomorrow,