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RiZE Festival 2018: Black Honey

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Black Honey are a Brighton quartet who we’ve been featuring on various shows since their music started to surface in 2014.

Since then they’ve been prolific in releasing singles, leading to the launch of their eponymous debut album which is out on 21 September.

Izzy, Chris, Tommy and Tom chatted about the band’s rise, influences and their process in making music and videos.

You can find out more about Black Honey on the following links:

Official website:

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RiZE Festival 2018: Black Honey

Click here to listen to the interview again:

Black Honey are a Brighton quartet who we’ve been featuring on various shows since their music started to surface in 2014.

Since then they’ve been prolific in releasing singles, leading to the launch of their eponymous debut album which is out on 21 September.

Izzy, Chris, Tommy and Tom chatted about the band’s rise, influences and their process in making music and videos.

You can find out more about Black Honey on the following links:

Official website:

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RiZE Festival 2018: Black Honey

Click here to listen to the interview again:

Black Honey are a Brighton quartet who we’ve been featuring on various shows since their music started to surface in 2014.

Since then they’ve been prolific in releasing singles, leading to the launch of their eponymous debut album which is out on 21 September.

Izzy, Chris, Tommy and Tom chatted about the band’s rise, influences and their process in making music and videos.

You can find out more about Black Honey on the following links:

Official website:

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RiZE Festival 2018: Black Honey

Click here to listen to the interview again:

Black Honey are a Brighton quartet who we’ve been featuring on various shows since their music started to surface in 2014.

Since then they’ve been prolific in releasing singles, leading to the launch of their eponymous debut album which is out on 21 September.

Izzy, Chris, Tommy and Tom chatted about the band’s rise, influences and their process in making music and videos.

You can find out more about Black Honey on the following links:

Official website:

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