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RiZE Festival 2018: Brand New Friend

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Brand New Friend are a young band from Northern Ireland who write and sing “energetic sad songs about love and stuff”!

Lauren, Taylor, Aaron and Luke are four great guys with boundless energy, humour and enthusiasm and it was great to chat to them about their music.

You can find out more about Brand New Friend on the following links:

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RiZE Festival 2018: Brand New Friend

Click here to listen to the interview again:

Brand New Friend are a young band from Northern Ireland who write and sing “energetic sad songs about love and stuff”!

Lauren, Taylor, Aaron and Luke are four great guys with boundless energy, humour and enthusiasm and it was great to chat to them about their music.

You can find out more about Brand New Friend on the following links:

Official website:

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RiZE Festival 2018: Brand New Friend

Click here to listen to the interview again:

Brand New Friend are a young band from Northern Ireland who write and sing “energetic sad songs about love and stuff”!

Lauren, Taylor, Aaron and Luke are four great guys with boundless energy, humour and enthusiasm and it was great to chat to them about their music.

You can find out more about Brand New Friend on the following links:

Official website:

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RiZE Festival 2018: Brand New Friend

Click here to listen to the interview again:

Brand New Friend are a young band from Northern Ireland who write and sing “energetic sad songs about love and stuff”!

Lauren, Taylor, Aaron and Luke are four great guys with boundless energy, humour and enthusiasm and it was great to chat to them about their music.

You can find out more about Brand New Friend on the following links:

Official website:

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