Brentwood: currently 6°C, light rain
high today 7°C, low tonight 5°C
sunrise 07:54, sunset 15:49
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Standon Calling 2018: The Howl and The Hum

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On Sunday Nick chatted to York foursome The Howl and The Hum. Described as “[combining] dark hypnotic punk with post-punk influences” (although the full description on their website puts it into words better than anyone could have imagined), the quartet have had a busy few months.

After a slew of singles, they’ve just released their first EP ‘Godmanchester Chinese Bridge’ and are embarking on their first summer of festivals, with many more lined up over the next month. Find out more at

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Standon Calling 2018: The Howl and The Hum

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On Sunday Nick chatted to York foursome The Howl and The Hum. Described as “[combining] dark hypnotic punk with post-punk influences” (although the full description on their website puts it into words better than anyone could have imagined), the quartet have had a busy few months.

After a slew of singles, they’ve just released their first EP ‘Godmanchester Chinese Bridge’ and are embarking on their first summer of festivals, with many more lined up over the next month. Find out more at

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Standon Calling 2018: The Howl and The Hum

Click here to listen to the interview:

On Sunday Nick chatted to York foursome The Howl and The Hum. Described as “[combining] dark hypnotic punk with post-punk influences” (although the full description on their website puts it into words better than anyone could have imagined), the quartet have had a busy few months.

After a slew of singles, they’ve just released their first EP ‘Godmanchester Chinese Bridge’ and are embarking on their first summer of festivals, with many more lined up over the next month. Find out more at

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Standon Calling 2018: The Howl and The Hum

Click here to listen to the interview:

On Sunday Nick chatted to York foursome The Howl and The Hum. Described as “[combining] dark hypnotic punk with post-punk influences” (although the full description on their website puts it into words better than anyone could have imagined), the quartet have had a busy few months.

After a slew of singles, they’ve just released their first EP ‘Godmanchester Chinese Bridge’ and are embarking on their first summer of festivals, with many more lined up over the next month. Find out more at

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