I have enjoyed returning to the Mental Health Podcast here on Phoenix FM, especially with another couple of wonderful conversations- with entrepreneur Martin Böddeker and multi skilled therapist Marie Delanote.
You can listen to it here:
Martin Böddeker has achieved a lot in his young life, from a professional poker player, through to starting his own company. He has faced challenges along the way, including painful moments with his family and a failed first company of his own, but has faced them strongly and always sees the positive in situations and works through to outcomes. However, one thing he noticed as he worked for himself was how easy it is to be distracted while working online. It is a problem I have faced and it has affected my well being in the past, with being stuck and procrastinating.
Martin spoke honestly about his journey and how his solution to reduce being distracted became the creation of his new business- FindFocus.net. You can learn more about it here:
Marie Delanote is a Brentwood based therapist. She is one of four sisters and now has four children of her own. She has struggled with many issues in her life, including OCD, eating problems, depression and anxiety. Now also her two sons have been diagnosed with autism. Over the years she developed meditations and coping mechanisms to deal with these emotions.
She has had great success with them and has also published books- The Healing Of The 1lb Baby and now the children’s meditation book- Acorns To Great Oaks. Marie is also able to help others with a variety of therapy techniques. I learned a lot in our conversation.
Click here to see her website.
Here are the articles mentioned in the mental health news:
Here are the songs played:
Sade – By Your Side (Lovers Rock – 2000)
Corey Hart – I Am By Your Side (Boy In The Box – 1985)
Aurora Borealis – Goodbye 1 & 2 (Goodbye – 2018)
Let us know what you think of the show
Twitter: @MHMpodcast
Facebook: Search “Mental Health Matters on Phoenix FM”
Helpful Organisations
• Brentwood Mind 01277 234246 or brentwoodmind.org.uk
• Mind 0300 123 3393, text 86463 or Mind.org.uk
• Samaritans Free on 116 123 , e-mail: jo@samaritans.org or Samaritans.org
• SANE 0300 304 7000 (6-11pm every evening) or Sane.org.uk
• Elefriends (MH Support Forum) – elefriends.org.uk
• Rethink Mental Illness website (for factsheets/blogs etc) : rethink.org
• YoungMinds
• Parents Helpline: Call: 0808 802 5544 or www.youngminds.org.uk
(Mon-Fri 9.30am-4pm, free from mobiles & landlines)
• The Silverline – 0800 4 70 80 90 (24 hours, 7 days a week) or thesilverline.org.uk
• The CALMzone (Campaign Against Living Miserably)
(5pm-midnight every evening)
• 0808 802 5858 if you’re in London
• or call 0800 58 58 58 Nationwide or thecalmzone.net