After a couple of weeks fighting a very nasty bug – I’m back.
Big thanks especially to BOB SIMPSON for looking after things for me.
Anyway I thought I’d look today at a man who, it seems, was so fed up with his commute to work, that he’s decided to go by water, but not the comfortable way by boat – he swims. Well I suppose that if you are into that kind of thing, it might be OK when the weather is warm, but when it’s cold!
Not for me.
We also reported on the woman who spotted her own bike up for sale on Facebook. After police had declined to get involved in helping her to retrieve her property, she decided that only direct action would reunite her with her cycle so she and a friend approached the vendor and arranged a meeting.
She feigned interest but said the saddle was too high, and asked if she could try it out and then pedalled off at a rate of knots.
Better still, it seems that the bike had been smartened up with even the front light being fixed.
Well that’s it from me and all being well I’ll see you again next week,