Brentwood: currently 12°C, light rain
high today 13°C, low tonight 8°C
sunrise 07:48, sunset 15:50
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Put your Diamond-encrusted earmuffs on and watch Donald Duck!

At least Ben wasn’t bothered by that leak!

Two hours flies by as Ben Simmons shares his knowledge of jewellery, winter headwear, Disney, good deeds and superstitions.

Be amazed once again at the ridiculous holidays that are celebrated on 13th March. Enjoy the banter as Ben’s leg-ends get interactive as well. Be impressed as Ben changes the name of his weekly award. Do all these things and enjoy the plethora of good songs Ben plays, just for your ears. Yes yours. Featuring the likes of The Kaiser Chiefs, Rihanna, Pussycat Dolls, Stevie Wonder, Louis Armstrong and Tommy Steele!

Click below to listen again. Don’t feel bad. Just do it.

One for sorrow, two for joy etc. etc.
[mixcloud height=120 width=620][/mixcloud]

Facebook – Ben Simmons Radio

Twitter @bensimradio


Put your Diamond-encrusted earmuffs on and watch Donald Duck!

At least Ben wasn’t bothered by that leak!

Two hours flies by as Ben Simmons shares his knowledge of jewellery, winter headwear, Disney, good deeds and superstitions.

Be amazed once again at the ridiculous holidays that are celebrated on 13th March. Enjoy the banter as Ben’s leg-ends get interactive as well. Be impressed as Ben changes the name of his weekly award. Do all these things and enjoy the plethora of good songs Ben plays, just for your ears. Yes yours. Featuring the likes of The Kaiser Chiefs, Rihanna, Pussycat Dolls, Stevie Wonder, Louis Armstrong and Tommy Steele!

Click below to listen again. Don’t feel bad. Just do it.

One for sorrow, two for joy etc. etc.
[mixcloud height=120 width=620][/mixcloud]

Facebook – Ben Simmons Radio

Twitter @bensimradio


Put your Diamond-encrusted earmuffs on and watch Donald Duck!

At least Ben wasn’t bothered by that leak!

Two hours flies by as Ben Simmons shares his knowledge of jewellery, winter headwear, Disney, good deeds and superstitions.

Be amazed once again at the ridiculous holidays that are celebrated on 13th March. Enjoy the banter as Ben’s leg-ends get interactive as well. Be impressed as Ben changes the name of his weekly award. Do all these things and enjoy the plethora of good songs Ben plays, just for your ears. Yes yours. Featuring the likes of The Kaiser Chiefs, Rihanna, Pussycat Dolls, Stevie Wonder, Louis Armstrong and Tommy Steele!

Click below to listen again. Don’t feel bad. Just do it.

One for sorrow, two for joy etc. etc.
[mixcloud height=120 width=620][/mixcloud]

Facebook – Ben Simmons Radio

Twitter @bensimradio


Put your Diamond-encrusted earmuffs on and watch Donald Duck!

At least Ben wasn’t bothered by that leak!

Two hours flies by as Ben Simmons shares his knowledge of jewellery, winter headwear, Disney, good deeds and superstitions.

Be amazed once again at the ridiculous holidays that are celebrated on 13th March. Enjoy the banter as Ben’s leg-ends get interactive as well. Be impressed as Ben changes the name of his weekly award. Do all these things and enjoy the plethora of good songs Ben plays, just for your ears. Yes yours. Featuring the likes of The Kaiser Chiefs, Rihanna, Pussycat Dolls, Stevie Wonder, Louis Armstrong and Tommy Steele!

Click below to listen again. Don’t feel bad. Just do it.

One for sorrow, two for joy etc. etc.
[mixcloud height=120 width=620][/mixcloud]

Facebook – Ben Simmons Radio

Twitter @bensimradio

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