Brentwood: currently 4°C, some cloud
high today 8°C, low tonight 3°C
sunrise 07:56, sunset 15:49
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SON Interview – Between the Lines

Today on Between the Lines I was Joined by SON an electro-alternate duo.


In July SON released an EP called reflections, we listened to this EP throughout the show today! SON and myself spoke about the back story and the creative process behind each track. Ryan and Daniel also talked about the used of ambience in their track “New Beginnings”. Another subject we discussed was all about the wide range of music the two lads listen too and how it can influence all the different sounds of SON.

To find SON’s EP and all their musical content check out their Band Camp account (SON–UK)

Between the Lines airs 1-3pm on a Saturday afternoon. •Sports •Music •Travel


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SON Interview – Between the Lines

Today on Between the Lines I was Joined by SON an electro-alternate duo.


In July SON released an EP called reflections, we listened to this EP throughout the show today! SON and myself spoke about the back story and the creative process behind each track. Ryan and Daniel also talked about the used of ambience in their track “New Beginnings”. Another subject we discussed was all about the wide range of music the two lads listen too and how it can influence all the different sounds of SON.

To find SON’s EP and all their musical content check out their Band Camp account (SON–UK)

Between the Lines airs 1-3pm on a Saturday afternoon. •Sports •Music •Travel


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SON Interview – Between the Lines

Today on Between the Lines I was Joined by SON an electro-alternate duo.


In July SON released an EP called reflections, we listened to this EP throughout the show today! SON and myself spoke about the back story and the creative process behind each track. Ryan and Daniel also talked about the used of ambience in their track “New Beginnings”. Another subject we discussed was all about the wide range of music the two lads listen too and how it can influence all the different sounds of SON.

To find SON’s EP and all their musical content check out their Band Camp account (SON–UK)

Between the Lines airs 1-3pm on a Saturday afternoon. •Sports •Music •Travel


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SON Interview – Between the Lines

Today on Between the Lines I was Joined by SON an electro-alternate duo.


In July SON released an EP called reflections, we listened to this EP throughout the show today! SON and myself spoke about the back story and the creative process behind each track. Ryan and Daniel also talked about the used of ambience in their track “New Beginnings”. Another subject we discussed was all about the wide range of music the two lads listen too and how it can influence all the different sounds of SON.

To find SON’s EP and all their musical content check out their Band Camp account (SON–UK)

Between the Lines airs 1-3pm on a Saturday afternoon. •Sports •Music •Travel


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