The vegetarian diet really could be a life saver.Plant based diets can actually lower cholesterol. Vegetarians have a higher intake of greens fruits and nuts, which means they have a lower intake of saturated fat. These foods are naturally rich in proteins and plant sterols all of which lower cholesterol.
High cholesterol is associated with coronary heart disease, strokes and vascular disease.
Eating more greens could be a good preventative measure for those who are concerned about their cardiovascular health, to address the problem before its too late.
Cholesterol is a fatty wax like substance that sticks to the cells in your body. Research has found that vegetarians have significantly lower cholesterol than meat eaters.
If cholesterol builds up in the arteries it restricts blood flow which could cause angina or even a heart attack. If blood flow to the brain is restricted it could cause a stroke, and it has also been linked to diabetes and high blood pressure.
Good cholesterol helps to clear the bad cholesterol from the body, working like a hoover to clear the arteries.
People are now becoming more aware of the importance of good nutrition, and the advice is to build your meals around plant based foods which do fit into every cultural template.
It’s never too late to change your diet, but the earlier you start the better it will be to maintain optimal health, in other words, avoiding the problems before they start.