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Body Talk 19/8/17

Taking care of your stomach or gut is very important to your overall health. Yes, that old saying is true, you are what you eat.

The usual signs that you’ve got some gut issues are bloating,cramps, constipation but someof the less recognisable signs are tiredness,brain fog and inabilty to focus.

It would also be beneficial to look at the medications that you are taking, aside from diet and exercise, as these can often affect the way your body absorbs nutrients.

So the signs of good gut health are regular bowel movements,you feel healthy and no foods seem to irritate your tummy.  Wellness itself is a very difficult thing to define.

Try not to eat when stressed as the bowel is very susceptible to emotion, as we know from that feeling of butterflies in our tummy.

The key to good gut health is to eat regular meals and time them well,make sure you get plenty of fibre and of course plenty of fruit and veg.

Exercise and move your body frequently, avoid sugar,fatty foods and refined white carbs such as rice and bread.  Try to consume both probiotics and prebiotics which both promote good gut health.

Avoid eating late in the evening and try to eat your biggest meal of the day before 3pm. Try tio eat your evening meal at least two hours before going to bed, and breakfast should be eaten around 8am to restore the blood sugar levels to normal.

Simple changes in your diet and lifestyle can reap huge rewards.


Body Talk 19/8/17

Taking care of your stomach or gut is very important to your overall health. Yes, that old saying is true, you are what you eat.

The usual signs that you’ve got some gut issues are bloating,cramps, constipation but someof the less recognisable signs are tiredness,brain fog and inabilty to focus.

It would also be beneficial to look at the medications that you are taking, aside from diet and exercise, as these can often affect the way your body absorbs nutrients.

So the signs of good gut health are regular bowel movements,you feel healthy and no foods seem to irritate your tummy.  Wellness itself is a very difficult thing to define.

Try not to eat when stressed as the bowel is very susceptible to emotion, as we know from that feeling of butterflies in our tummy.

The key to good gut health is to eat regular meals and time them well,make sure you get plenty of fibre and of course plenty of fruit and veg.

Exercise and move your body frequently, avoid sugar,fatty foods and refined white carbs such as rice and bread.  Try to consume both probiotics and prebiotics which both promote good gut health.

Avoid eating late in the evening and try to eat your biggest meal of the day before 3pm. Try tio eat your evening meal at least two hours before going to bed, and breakfast should be eaten around 8am to restore the blood sugar levels to normal.

Simple changes in your diet and lifestyle can reap huge rewards.


Body Talk 19/8/17

Taking care of your stomach or gut is very important to your overall health. Yes, that old saying is true, you are what you eat.

The usual signs that you’ve got some gut issues are bloating,cramps, constipation but someof the less recognisable signs are tiredness,brain fog and inabilty to focus.

It would also be beneficial to look at the medications that you are taking, aside from diet and exercise, as these can often affect the way your body absorbs nutrients.

So the signs of good gut health are regular bowel movements,you feel healthy and no foods seem to irritate your tummy.  Wellness itself is a very difficult thing to define.

Try not to eat when stressed as the bowel is very susceptible to emotion, as we know from that feeling of butterflies in our tummy.

The key to good gut health is to eat regular meals and time them well,make sure you get plenty of fibre and of course plenty of fruit and veg.

Exercise and move your body frequently, avoid sugar,fatty foods and refined white carbs such as rice and bread.  Try to consume both probiotics and prebiotics which both promote good gut health.

Avoid eating late in the evening and try to eat your biggest meal of the day before 3pm. Try tio eat your evening meal at least two hours before going to bed, and breakfast should be eaten around 8am to restore the blood sugar levels to normal.

Simple changes in your diet and lifestyle can reap huge rewards.


Body Talk 19/8/17

Taking care of your stomach or gut is very important to your overall health. Yes, that old saying is true, you are what you eat.

The usual signs that you’ve got some gut issues are bloating,cramps, constipation but someof the less recognisable signs are tiredness,brain fog and inabilty to focus.

It would also be beneficial to look at the medications that you are taking, aside from diet and exercise, as these can often affect the way your body absorbs nutrients.

So the signs of good gut health are regular bowel movements,you feel healthy and no foods seem to irritate your tummy.  Wellness itself is a very difficult thing to define.

Try not to eat when stressed as the bowel is very susceptible to emotion, as we know from that feeling of butterflies in our tummy.

The key to good gut health is to eat regular meals and time them well,make sure you get plenty of fibre and of course plenty of fruit and veg.

Exercise and move your body frequently, avoid sugar,fatty foods and refined white carbs such as rice and bread.  Try to consume both probiotics and prebiotics which both promote good gut health.

Avoid eating late in the evening and try to eat your biggest meal of the day before 3pm. Try tio eat your evening meal at least two hours before going to bed, and breakfast should be eaten around 8am to restore the blood sugar levels to normal.

Simple changes in your diet and lifestyle can reap huge rewards.

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