Brentwood: currently 7°C, some cloud
high today 11°C, low tonight 5°C
sunrise 07:49, sunset 15:50
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Cliff Bennett And The Rebel Rousers - Got To Get You Into My Life
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Standon Calling 2017: The Fairyland Trust

The Fairyland Trust is a unique charity which encourages children and their families to discover the magic of nature through unique events and workshops.


Nick Field spoke to Dave from the Trust about the work they do and you can hear the interview again below:

You can find our more about the group’s charitable work by visiting their official Facebook page.

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Standon Calling 2017: The Fairyland Trust

The Fairyland Trust is a unique charity which encourages children and their families to discover the magic of nature through unique events and workshops.


Nick Field spoke to Dave from the Trust about the work they do and you can hear the interview again below:

You can find our more about the group’s charitable work by visiting their official Facebook page.

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Standon Calling 2017: The Fairyland Trust

The Fairyland Trust is a unique charity which encourages children and their families to discover the magic of nature through unique events and workshops.


Nick Field spoke to Dave from the Trust about the work they do and you can hear the interview again below:

You can find our more about the group’s charitable work by visiting their official Facebook page.

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Standon Calling 2017: The Fairyland Trust

The Fairyland Trust is a unique charity which encourages children and their families to discover the magic of nature through unique events and workshops.


Nick Field spoke to Dave from the Trust about the work they do and you can hear the interview again below:

You can find our more about the group’s charitable work by visiting their official Facebook page.

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