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Ocean Flaws live in session

Click here to listen to the show again (session and interview starts at about 0:23:30)

It was great to welcome Ocean Flaws back into Phoenix FM for an acoustic session and interview.

2017-07-25 03 Ocean Flaws

The band haven’t been in to us since December 2015 and Callum, Alex and Hamish filled us in on what’s been happening in the meantime. Sean sadly couldn’t make it as he’s in the USA.

The boys also played three songs for us live in the studio – a cover of Glass Animals’ Gooey, recent single 20:22 and new single Tel Aviv.

New single Tel Aviv is out on Friday in all of the usual digital download and streaming places.

You can keep an eye on what the band are up to in the future by keeping an eye on their Facebook page.

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Ocean Flaws live in session

Click here to listen to the show again (session and interview starts at about 0:23:30)

It was great to welcome Ocean Flaws back into Phoenix FM for an acoustic session and interview.

2017-07-25 03 Ocean Flaws

The band haven’t been in to us since December 2015 and Callum, Alex and Hamish filled us in on what’s been happening in the meantime. Sean sadly couldn’t make it as he’s in the USA.

The boys also played three songs for us live in the studio – a cover of Glass Animals’ Gooey, recent single 20:22 and new single Tel Aviv.

New single Tel Aviv is out on Friday in all of the usual digital download and streaming places.

You can keep an eye on what the band are up to in the future by keeping an eye on their Facebook page.

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Ocean Flaws live in session

Click here to listen to the show again (session and interview starts at about 0:23:30)

It was great to welcome Ocean Flaws back into Phoenix FM for an acoustic session and interview.

2017-07-25 03 Ocean Flaws

The band haven’t been in to us since December 2015 and Callum, Alex and Hamish filled us in on what’s been happening in the meantime. Sean sadly couldn’t make it as he’s in the USA.

The boys also played three songs for us live in the studio – a cover of Glass Animals’ Gooey, recent single 20:22 and new single Tel Aviv.

New single Tel Aviv is out on Friday in all of the usual digital download and streaming places.

You can keep an eye on what the band are up to in the future by keeping an eye on their Facebook page.

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Ocean Flaws live in session

Click here to listen to the show again (session and interview starts at about 0:23:30)

It was great to welcome Ocean Flaws back into Phoenix FM for an acoustic session and interview.

2017-07-25 03 Ocean Flaws

The band haven’t been in to us since December 2015 and Callum, Alex and Hamish filled us in on what’s been happening in the meantime. Sean sadly couldn’t make it as he’s in the USA.

The boys also played three songs for us live in the studio – a cover of Glass Animals’ Gooey, recent single 20:22 and new single Tel Aviv.

New single Tel Aviv is out on Friday in all of the usual digital download and streaming places.

You can keep an eye on what the band are up to in the future by keeping an eye on their Facebook page.

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