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The ExtraJordanary Show | Episode 5: Fathers Day Special

Episode Theme: Friends & Family
Guests: Ren Stedman (recording artist), Jordan’s Dad (Simon), Jordan’s Brother (Dalton), Jordan’s Sister (Cody)

TEJS ep5


[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]

Easily the most LOL episode thus far! No contest.

Who would win out of every living Milky Bar Kid and a single shark, in an Olympic size swimming pool? Dalton knows. Which cake would you pair with a Rum and Lilt? Cody’ll let you know. Best TV show ever? ‘Black In The Attic’, as it goes. I adore my extraordinary family and this episode should demonstrate why. Happy Fathers Day! Don’t kill any zombie kids! Unless you’re Dalton, then 9 will suffice.

Ren Stedman top and tails the show with his incredible music LIVE in the studio. Twitter @renstedmanmusic
Twiiter & Insta @Talldarkfriend

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The ExtraJordanary Show | Episode 5: Fathers Day Special

Episode Theme: Friends & Family
Guests: Ren Stedman (recording artist), Jordan’s Dad (Simon), Jordan’s Brother (Dalton), Jordan’s Sister (Cody)

TEJS ep5


[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]

Easily the most LOL episode thus far! No contest.

Who would win out of every living Milky Bar Kid and a single shark, in an Olympic size swimming pool? Dalton knows. Which cake would you pair with a Rum and Lilt? Cody’ll let you know. Best TV show ever? ‘Black In The Attic’, as it goes. I adore my extraordinary family and this episode should demonstrate why. Happy Fathers Day! Don’t kill any zombie kids! Unless you’re Dalton, then 9 will suffice.

Ren Stedman top and tails the show with his incredible music LIVE in the studio. Twitter @renstedmanmusic
Twiiter & Insta @Talldarkfriend

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The ExtraJordanary Show | Episode 5: Fathers Day Special

Episode Theme: Friends & Family
Guests: Ren Stedman (recording artist), Jordan’s Dad (Simon), Jordan’s Brother (Dalton), Jordan’s Sister (Cody)

TEJS ep5


[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]

Easily the most LOL episode thus far! No contest.

Who would win out of every living Milky Bar Kid and a single shark, in an Olympic size swimming pool? Dalton knows. Which cake would you pair with a Rum and Lilt? Cody’ll let you know. Best TV show ever? ‘Black In The Attic’, as it goes. I adore my extraordinary family and this episode should demonstrate why. Happy Fathers Day! Don’t kill any zombie kids! Unless you’re Dalton, then 9 will suffice.

Ren Stedman top and tails the show with his incredible music LIVE in the studio. Twitter @renstedmanmusic
Twiiter & Insta @Talldarkfriend

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The ExtraJordanary Show | Episode 5: Fathers Day Special

Episode Theme: Friends & Family
Guests: Ren Stedman (recording artist), Jordan’s Dad (Simon), Jordan’s Brother (Dalton), Jordan’s Sister (Cody)

TEJS ep5


[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]

Easily the most LOL episode thus far! No contest.

Who would win out of every living Milky Bar Kid and a single shark, in an Olympic size swimming pool? Dalton knows. Which cake would you pair with a Rum and Lilt? Cody’ll let you know. Best TV show ever? ‘Black In The Attic’, as it goes. I adore my extraordinary family and this episode should demonstrate why. Happy Fathers Day! Don’t kill any zombie kids! Unless you’re Dalton, then 9 will suffice.

Ren Stedman top and tails the show with his incredible music LIVE in the studio. Twitter @renstedmanmusic
Twiiter & Insta @Talldarkfriend

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