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sunrise 07:08, sunset 17:17
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Friday Night Extra 16.6.17 with guests missionaries Robin and Janet Fenner.

Robin and Janet talked about their work as Elim missionaries in a very poor part of northern South Africa. They recalled the arrival of Christmas shoe boxes and the overwhelming joy of a child who received a toothbrush amongst her items. They spoke of the need to dig a water hole in their village 2000px-Flag_of_South_Africa_SADCWebsiteas there is drought in their area. They also spoke about how £15 would buy a blanket for people have  very little in an area where it gets very cold at night. Their work has involved setting up four Bible colleges. The hope is that when the students have finished their courses, they will be equipped to plant and run churches. They also talked about holding a Christmas party for over 150 children, using finances raised from Christmas parties in the UK. They have had a very busy two months in the U.K. talking about their work, including trips to Scotland and Ireland. Janet said they had slept in sixteen different beds. Robin also said that when they arrived in the U.K. he had just £57 in his wallet, for a two month stay. They were very grateful for the hospitality that so many people had shown towards them.  They receive no salary for their work, which can be supported by going to

then you search for Ronin and Janet Fenner and then click on donate.

Tonight’s playlist

Booker T & MGFs – Crazy

Jason Mraz – Summer breeze

Tom Inglis – Bayete Inkosi – chosen by Robin & Janet

Michael W Smith – A new hallelujah – chosen by Robin & Janet

Godfrey Birtill – You are still God – chosen by Robin & Janet

Soweto String Quartet – Kwela

Rick Wakeman – Summertime

Michael Buble – Summer wind

Georgie fame – Get away – requested by Patrick

Russell Watson _ have I told you lately that I love you – Adrian commented that he really like the song.

1960s batman theme – in tribute to Adam West, who died during the week.

Lisa Harman – I can’t stop laughing – an exclusive to this show. Again we admired the variety of styles in Lisa’s work.

Dolly Parton & Pentatonix – Jolene – we were all dancing in the studio ( there was a lot of dancing tonight)

Celine Dion & Elvis Presley – If I can dream – do watch the amazing video

Snowy White – Bird of paradise

Zombies – She’s not there – to celebrate keyboard wizard Rod Argent, who also wrote the song, whose birthday was on Wednesday.

Lionel Ritchie – Running with the night

MonaLisa Twins – June – they will be appearing at the Glastonbury Festival this year.

Bryds – Turn, turn, turn.

George Martin – Theme 1.

Join Jonty and I next week for another show, live from Brentwood.

Marjorie was listening on 98FM and contacted to say how inspirational she found Robin and Janet.

Lisa Harman contacted from on board ship after listening to the recording of the

show. She said that the music mix was great and was inspired by Robin and Janet.


[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]

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Friday Night Extra 16.6.17 with guests missionaries Robin and Janet Fenner.

Robin and Janet talked about their work as Elim missionaries in a very poor part of northern South Africa. They recalled the arrival of Christmas shoe boxes and the overwhelming joy of a child who received a toothbrush amongst her items. They spoke of the need to dig a water hole in their village 2000px-Flag_of_South_Africa_SADCWebsiteas there is drought in their area. They also spoke about how £15 would buy a blanket for people have  very little in an area where it gets very cold at night. Their work has involved setting up four Bible colleges. The hope is that when the students have finished their courses, they will be equipped to plant and run churches. They also talked about holding a Christmas party for over 150 children, using finances raised from Christmas parties in the UK. They have had a very busy two months in the U.K. talking about their work, including trips to Scotland and Ireland. Janet said they had slept in sixteen different beds. Robin also said that when they arrived in the U.K. he had just £57 in his wallet, for a two month stay. They were very grateful for the hospitality that so many people had shown towards them.  They receive no salary for their work, which can be supported by going to

then you search for Ronin and Janet Fenner and then click on donate.

Tonight’s playlist

Booker T & MGFs – Crazy

Jason Mraz – Summer breeze

Tom Inglis – Bayete Inkosi – chosen by Robin & Janet

Michael W Smith – A new hallelujah – chosen by Robin & Janet

Godfrey Birtill – You are still God – chosen by Robin & Janet

Soweto String Quartet – Kwela

Rick Wakeman – Summertime

Michael Buble – Summer wind

Georgie fame – Get away – requested by Patrick

Russell Watson _ have I told you lately that I love you – Adrian commented that he really like the song.

1960s batman theme – in tribute to Adam West, who died during the week.

Lisa Harman – I can’t stop laughing – an exclusive to this show. Again we admired the variety of styles in Lisa’s work.

Dolly Parton & Pentatonix – Jolene – we were all dancing in the studio ( there was a lot of dancing tonight)

Celine Dion & Elvis Presley – If I can dream – do watch the amazing video

Snowy White – Bird of paradise

Zombies – She’s not there – to celebrate keyboard wizard Rod Argent, who also wrote the song, whose birthday was on Wednesday.

Lionel Ritchie – Running with the night

MonaLisa Twins – June – they will be appearing at the Glastonbury Festival this year.

Bryds – Turn, turn, turn.

George Martin – Theme 1.

Join Jonty and I next week for another show, live from Brentwood.

Marjorie was listening on 98FM and contacted to say how inspirational she found Robin and Janet.

Lisa Harman contacted from on board ship after listening to the recording of the

show. She said that the music mix was great and was inspired by Robin and Janet.


[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]

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Friday Night Extra 16.6.17 with guests missionaries Robin and Janet Fenner.

Robin and Janet talked about their work as Elim missionaries in a very poor part of northern South Africa. They recalled the arrival of Christmas shoe boxes and the overwhelming joy of a child who received a toothbrush amongst her items. They spoke of the need to dig a water hole in their village 2000px-Flag_of_South_Africa_SADCWebsiteas there is drought in their area. They also spoke about how £15 would buy a blanket for people have  very little in an area where it gets very cold at night. Their work has involved setting up four Bible colleges. The hope is that when the students have finished their courses, they will be equipped to plant and run churches. They also talked about holding a Christmas party for over 150 children, using finances raised from Christmas parties in the UK. They have had a very busy two months in the U.K. talking about their work, including trips to Scotland and Ireland. Janet said they had slept in sixteen different beds. Robin also said that when they arrived in the U.K. he had just £57 in his wallet, for a two month stay. They were very grateful for the hospitality that so many people had shown towards them.  They receive no salary for their work, which can be supported by going to

then you search for Ronin and Janet Fenner and then click on donate.

Tonight’s playlist

Booker T & MGFs – Crazy

Jason Mraz – Summer breeze

Tom Inglis – Bayete Inkosi – chosen by Robin & Janet

Michael W Smith – A new hallelujah – chosen by Robin & Janet

Godfrey Birtill – You are still God – chosen by Robin & Janet

Soweto String Quartet – Kwela

Rick Wakeman – Summertime

Michael Buble – Summer wind

Georgie fame – Get away – requested by Patrick

Russell Watson _ have I told you lately that I love you – Adrian commented that he really like the song.

1960s batman theme – in tribute to Adam West, who died during the week.

Lisa Harman – I can’t stop laughing – an exclusive to this show. Again we admired the variety of styles in Lisa’s work.

Dolly Parton & Pentatonix – Jolene – we were all dancing in the studio ( there was a lot of dancing tonight)

Celine Dion & Elvis Presley – If I can dream – do watch the amazing video

Snowy White – Bird of paradise

Zombies – She’s not there – to celebrate keyboard wizard Rod Argent, who also wrote the song, whose birthday was on Wednesday.

Lionel Ritchie – Running with the night

MonaLisa Twins – June – they will be appearing at the Glastonbury Festival this year.

Bryds – Turn, turn, turn.

George Martin – Theme 1.

Join Jonty and I next week for another show, live from Brentwood.

Marjorie was listening on 98FM and contacted to say how inspirational she found Robin and Janet.

Lisa Harman contacted from on board ship after listening to the recording of the

show. She said that the music mix was great and was inspired by Robin and Janet.


[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]

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Now on air
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Friday Night Extra 16.6.17 with guests missionaries Robin and Janet Fenner.

Robin and Janet talked about their work as Elim missionaries in a very poor part of northern South Africa. They recalled the arrival of Christmas shoe boxes and the overwhelming joy of a child who received a toothbrush amongst her items. They spoke of the need to dig a water hole in their village 2000px-Flag_of_South_Africa_SADCWebsiteas there is drought in their area. They also spoke about how £15 would buy a blanket for people have  very little in an area where it gets very cold at night. Their work has involved setting up four Bible colleges. The hope is that when the students have finished their courses, they will be equipped to plant and run churches. They also talked about holding a Christmas party for over 150 children, using finances raised from Christmas parties in the UK. They have had a very busy two months in the U.K. talking about their work, including trips to Scotland and Ireland. Janet said they had slept in sixteen different beds. Robin also said that when they arrived in the U.K. he had just £57 in his wallet, for a two month stay. They were very grateful for the hospitality that so many people had shown towards them.  They receive no salary for their work, which can be supported by going to

then you search for Ronin and Janet Fenner and then click on donate.

Tonight’s playlist

Booker T & MGFs – Crazy

Jason Mraz – Summer breeze

Tom Inglis – Bayete Inkosi – chosen by Robin & Janet

Michael W Smith – A new hallelujah – chosen by Robin & Janet

Godfrey Birtill – You are still God – chosen by Robin & Janet

Soweto String Quartet – Kwela

Rick Wakeman – Summertime

Michael Buble – Summer wind

Georgie fame – Get away – requested by Patrick

Russell Watson _ have I told you lately that I love you – Adrian commented that he really like the song.

1960s batman theme – in tribute to Adam West, who died during the week.

Lisa Harman – I can’t stop laughing – an exclusive to this show. Again we admired the variety of styles in Lisa’s work.

Dolly Parton & Pentatonix – Jolene – we were all dancing in the studio ( there was a lot of dancing tonight)

Celine Dion & Elvis Presley – If I can dream – do watch the amazing video

Snowy White – Bird of paradise

Zombies – She’s not there – to celebrate keyboard wizard Rod Argent, who also wrote the song, whose birthday was on Wednesday.

Lionel Ritchie – Running with the night

MonaLisa Twins – June – they will be appearing at the Glastonbury Festival this year.

Bryds – Turn, turn, turn.

George Martin – Theme 1.

Join Jonty and I next week for another show, live from Brentwood.

Marjorie was listening on 98FM and contacted to say how inspirational she found Robin and Janet.

Lisa Harman contacted from on board ship after listening to the recording of the

show. She said that the music mix was great and was inspired by Robin and Janet.


[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]

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