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The Sun Is Rising for Chris Norman

Originally formed in Yorkshire, in 1966, Smokie hit the British pop charts several times during the late ’70s, influenced by the band’s stay on Mickie Most’s Rak Records as well as the writers of most of the band’s hit material, Nicky Chinn and Mike Chapman. They comprised of vocalist Chris Norman, bassist Terry Utley, guitarist Alan Silson, and drummer Pete Spencer.
Chris Norman left Smokie in 1986 and went on to have a very successful solo career and is still performing and recording today with a new single out now and an album due out in September.
It was great to chat with Chris today.

Chris Norman

Chris Norman

You can listen to our chat here –

Chris’s new single “Sun Is Rising” is available

You can find out more from Chris’s website here

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The Sun Is Rising for Chris Norman

Originally formed in Yorkshire, in 1966, Smokie hit the British pop charts several times during the late ’70s, influenced by the band’s stay on Mickie Most’s Rak Records as well as the writers of most of the band’s hit material, Nicky Chinn and Mike Chapman. They comprised of vocalist Chris Norman, bassist Terry Utley, guitarist Alan Silson, and drummer Pete Spencer.
Chris Norman left Smokie in 1986 and went on to have a very successful solo career and is still performing and recording today with a new single out now and an album due out in September.
It was great to chat with Chris today.

Chris Norman

Chris Norman

You can listen to our chat here –

Chris’s new single “Sun Is Rising” is available

You can find out more from Chris’s website here

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The Sun Is Rising for Chris Norman

Originally formed in Yorkshire, in 1966, Smokie hit the British pop charts several times during the late ’70s, influenced by the band’s stay on Mickie Most’s Rak Records as well as the writers of most of the band’s hit material, Nicky Chinn and Mike Chapman. They comprised of vocalist Chris Norman, bassist Terry Utley, guitarist Alan Silson, and drummer Pete Spencer.
Chris Norman left Smokie in 1986 and went on to have a very successful solo career and is still performing and recording today with a new single out now and an album due out in September.
It was great to chat with Chris today.

Chris Norman

Chris Norman

You can listen to our chat here –

Chris’s new single “Sun Is Rising” is available

You can find out more from Chris’s website here

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The Sun Is Rising for Chris Norman

Originally formed in Yorkshire, in 1966, Smokie hit the British pop charts several times during the late ’70s, influenced by the band’s stay on Mickie Most’s Rak Records as well as the writers of most of the band’s hit material, Nicky Chinn and Mike Chapman. They comprised of vocalist Chris Norman, bassist Terry Utley, guitarist Alan Silson, and drummer Pete Spencer.
Chris Norman left Smokie in 1986 and went on to have a very successful solo career and is still performing and recording today with a new single out now and an album due out in September.
It was great to chat with Chris today.

Chris Norman

Chris Norman

You can listen to our chat here –

Chris’s new single “Sun Is Rising” is available

You can find out more from Chris’s website here

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