Brentwood: currently 5°C, cloudy
high today 6°C, low tonight 4°C
sunrise 07:55, sunset 15:49
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Scroobius Pip Teaser / Jordan Sleeps Over at Phoenix98FM

jord and pip

Coming up on Episode 6 [June 25] I’m joined in-studio by Mr Distraction Pieces himself – Scroobius Pip. In the same show, I pull an all-nighter to chat to comedian Jim Norton.

In this short promo clip, my fellow Phoenix98FM presenter Michelle Ward asks me why I look so tired… and an arachnid descends from the ceiling onto mine and Pip’s conversation – prompting a few home-spun spider stories.

[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]
Twitter: @Talldarkfriend #ExtraJordanary

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Scroobius Pip Teaser / Jordan Sleeps Over at Phoenix98FM

jord and pip

Coming up on Episode 6 [June 25] I’m joined in-studio by Mr Distraction Pieces himself – Scroobius Pip. In the same show, I pull an all-nighter to chat to comedian Jim Norton.

In this short promo clip, my fellow Phoenix98FM presenter Michelle Ward asks me why I look so tired… and an arachnid descends from the ceiling onto mine and Pip’s conversation – prompting a few home-spun spider stories.

[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]
Twitter: @Talldarkfriend #ExtraJordanary

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Scroobius Pip Teaser / Jordan Sleeps Over at Phoenix98FM

jord and pip

Coming up on Episode 6 [June 25] I’m joined in-studio by Mr Distraction Pieces himself – Scroobius Pip. In the same show, I pull an all-nighter to chat to comedian Jim Norton.

In this short promo clip, my fellow Phoenix98FM presenter Michelle Ward asks me why I look so tired… and an arachnid descends from the ceiling onto mine and Pip’s conversation – prompting a few home-spun spider stories.

[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]
Twitter: @Talldarkfriend #ExtraJordanary

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Scroobius Pip Teaser / Jordan Sleeps Over at Phoenix98FM

jord and pip

Coming up on Episode 6 [June 25] I’m joined in-studio by Mr Distraction Pieces himself – Scroobius Pip. In the same show, I pull an all-nighter to chat to comedian Jim Norton.

In this short promo clip, my fellow Phoenix98FM presenter Michelle Ward asks me why I look so tired… and an arachnid descends from the ceiling onto mine and Pip’s conversation – prompting a few home-spun spider stories.

[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]
Twitter: @Talldarkfriend #ExtraJordanary

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