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The ExtraJordanary Show | Episode 4: “Girls of ‘The Voice'”

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extrajordanary ep4

Episode theme: FAITH

Guests: Jessica Richardson (The Voice Kids 2017), Lydia Lucy (recording artist/The Voice 2016)

A truly remarkable episode, cutting deep to the trials and tribulations of immediate fame – 6MILLION people saw Jessica smash it on The Voice Kids last night… and now it’s back to school tomorrow morning. How does a 13 year old person deal with that?

Lydia Lucy joins us fresh off the plane from Hong Kong… or LA, or Dubai… wherever, it don’t matter, point is: she’s crushing it right now. Join us for a ‘Girls of The Voice’ special that challenges the big questions of Fame, Faith and our place in the world.

VOTE Jessica R on The Voice Kids 2017 (if you want to!)



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The ExtraJordanary Show | Episode 4: “Girls of ‘The Voice'”

[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]

extrajordanary ep4

Episode theme: FAITH

Guests: Jessica Richardson (The Voice Kids 2017), Lydia Lucy (recording artist/The Voice 2016)

A truly remarkable episode, cutting deep to the trials and tribulations of immediate fame – 6MILLION people saw Jessica smash it on The Voice Kids last night… and now it’s back to school tomorrow morning. How does a 13 year old person deal with that?

Lydia Lucy joins us fresh off the plane from Hong Kong… or LA, or Dubai… wherever, it don’t matter, point is: she’s crushing it right now. Join us for a ‘Girls of The Voice’ special that challenges the big questions of Fame, Faith and our place in the world.

VOTE Jessica R on The Voice Kids 2017 (if you want to!)



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The ExtraJordanary Show | Episode 4: “Girls of ‘The Voice'”

[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]

extrajordanary ep4

Episode theme: FAITH

Guests: Jessica Richardson (The Voice Kids 2017), Lydia Lucy (recording artist/The Voice 2016)

A truly remarkable episode, cutting deep to the trials and tribulations of immediate fame – 6MILLION people saw Jessica smash it on The Voice Kids last night… and now it’s back to school tomorrow morning. How does a 13 year old person deal with that?

Lydia Lucy joins us fresh off the plane from Hong Kong… or LA, or Dubai… wherever, it don’t matter, point is: she’s crushing it right now. Join us for a ‘Girls of The Voice’ special that challenges the big questions of Fame, Faith and our place in the world.

VOTE Jessica R on The Voice Kids 2017 (if you want to!)



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The ExtraJordanary Show | Episode 4: “Girls of ‘The Voice'”

[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]

extrajordanary ep4

Episode theme: FAITH

Guests: Jessica Richardson (The Voice Kids 2017), Lydia Lucy (recording artist/The Voice 2016)

A truly remarkable episode, cutting deep to the trials and tribulations of immediate fame – 6MILLION people saw Jessica smash it on The Voice Kids last night… and now it’s back to school tomorrow morning. How does a 13 year old person deal with that?

Lydia Lucy joins us fresh off the plane from Hong Kong… or LA, or Dubai… wherever, it don’t matter, point is: she’s crushing it right now. Join us for a ‘Girls of The Voice’ special that challenges the big questions of Fame, Faith and our place in the world.

VOTE Jessica R on The Voice Kids 2017 (if you want to!)



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