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Body Talk 7/4/17

I think we are aware of the dangers of reheating food, but maybe not quite aware of the reasons why and what viruses and germs may be lurking in that leftover meal.

Eating left over rice for example, can give you food poisoning if it isn’t stored properly. Bacterial spores can survive if rice is kept at room temperature for for over two hours allows the spores to survive. However if you put it in the fridge soon after its cooked,that can eliminate the problem. Boiled rice should either be kept hot or cooled quickly and transferred to a fridge within two hours of cooking. Boiled or fried rice must not be stored in warm conditions.

Sushi rice contains vinegar which makes the rice more acidic and therefore can be safely kept at room temperature.

Reheating celery,spinach or beetroot can turn the nitrate within them toxic. The proteins in mushrooms can break down immediately after they’re cut and if prepared ,mushrooms are stored in the fridge for over 24 hours it’s only safe to eat them after they’ve been heated to a very high temperature.

The protein in cold chicken changes when chicken is reheated which can lead to digestive problems unless it’s reheated to a very hot temperature.

Potatoes can also harbour bacteria which will flourish if not stored in the fridge immediately after cooking. Also boiled eggs if they aren’t reheated for long enough can cause food poisoning. Cooked eggs should never be left out of the fridge for more than two hours.

So be careful when storing and reheating yesterday’s take away!

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Body Talk 7/4/17

I think we are aware of the dangers of reheating food, but maybe not quite aware of the reasons why and what viruses and germs may be lurking in that leftover meal.

Eating left over rice for example, can give you food poisoning if it isn’t stored properly. Bacterial spores can survive if rice is kept at room temperature for for over two hours allows the spores to survive. However if you put it in the fridge soon after its cooked,that can eliminate the problem. Boiled rice should either be kept hot or cooled quickly and transferred to a fridge within two hours of cooking. Boiled or fried rice must not be stored in warm conditions.

Sushi rice contains vinegar which makes the rice more acidic and therefore can be safely kept at room temperature.

Reheating celery,spinach or beetroot can turn the nitrate within them toxic. The proteins in mushrooms can break down immediately after they’re cut and if prepared ,mushrooms are stored in the fridge for over 24 hours it’s only safe to eat them after they’ve been heated to a very high temperature.

The protein in cold chicken changes when chicken is reheated which can lead to digestive problems unless it’s reheated to a very hot temperature.

Potatoes can also harbour bacteria which will flourish if not stored in the fridge immediately after cooking. Also boiled eggs if they aren’t reheated for long enough can cause food poisoning. Cooked eggs should never be left out of the fridge for more than two hours.

So be careful when storing and reheating yesterday’s take away!

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Body Talk 7/4/17

I think we are aware of the dangers of reheating food, but maybe not quite aware of the reasons why and what viruses and germs may be lurking in that leftover meal.

Eating left over rice for example, can give you food poisoning if it isn’t stored properly. Bacterial spores can survive if rice is kept at room temperature for for over two hours allows the spores to survive. However if you put it in the fridge soon after its cooked,that can eliminate the problem. Boiled rice should either be kept hot or cooled quickly and transferred to a fridge within two hours of cooking. Boiled or fried rice must not be stored in warm conditions.

Sushi rice contains vinegar which makes the rice more acidic and therefore can be safely kept at room temperature.

Reheating celery,spinach or beetroot can turn the nitrate within them toxic. The proteins in mushrooms can break down immediately after they’re cut and if prepared ,mushrooms are stored in the fridge for over 24 hours it’s only safe to eat them after they’ve been heated to a very high temperature.

The protein in cold chicken changes when chicken is reheated which can lead to digestive problems unless it’s reheated to a very hot temperature.

Potatoes can also harbour bacteria which will flourish if not stored in the fridge immediately after cooking. Also boiled eggs if they aren’t reheated for long enough can cause food poisoning. Cooked eggs should never be left out of the fridge for more than two hours.

So be careful when storing and reheating yesterday’s take away!

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Body Talk 7/4/17

I think we are aware of the dangers of reheating food, but maybe not quite aware of the reasons why and what viruses and germs may be lurking in that leftover meal.

Eating left over rice for example, can give you food poisoning if it isn’t stored properly. Bacterial spores can survive if rice is kept at room temperature for for over two hours allows the spores to survive. However if you put it in the fridge soon after its cooked,that can eliminate the problem. Boiled rice should either be kept hot or cooled quickly and transferred to a fridge within two hours of cooking. Boiled or fried rice must not be stored in warm conditions.

Sushi rice contains vinegar which makes the rice more acidic and therefore can be safely kept at room temperature.

Reheating celery,spinach or beetroot can turn the nitrate within them toxic. The proteins in mushrooms can break down immediately after they’re cut and if prepared ,mushrooms are stored in the fridge for over 24 hours it’s only safe to eat them after they’ve been heated to a very high temperature.

The protein in cold chicken changes when chicken is reheated which can lead to digestive problems unless it’s reheated to a very hot temperature.

Potatoes can also harbour bacteria which will flourish if not stored in the fridge immediately after cooking. Also boiled eggs if they aren’t reheated for long enough can cause food poisoning. Cooked eggs should never be left out of the fridge for more than two hours.

So be careful when storing and reheating yesterday’s take away!

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