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sunrise 07:44, sunset 15:51
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Phoenix FM 10th birthday: Lydia Lucy

Lydia Lucy at Phoenix FM 25 03 2017

It was great to welcome “old” friend Lydia Lucy to our 10th birthday celebrations! Lydia came down to the Holiday Inn to chat to presenter Alan Johnson and sing a play a few songs live, including new single, the self-penned Instagram.

If you missed it you can see and hear it all again below:

Lydia has been incredibly busy since her appearance on The Voice last year, where she made the final. She talked to Alan about how the last year has gone and what to expect in the future – including a new album.

You can keep up to date with Lydia’s latest news by following her official Facebook page.

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Phoenix FM 10th birthday: Lydia Lucy

Lydia Lucy at Phoenix FM 25 03 2017

It was great to welcome “old” friend Lydia Lucy to our 10th birthday celebrations! Lydia came down to the Holiday Inn to chat to presenter Alan Johnson and sing a play a few songs live, including new single, the self-penned Instagram.

If you missed it you can see and hear it all again below:

Lydia has been incredibly busy since her appearance on The Voice last year, where she made the final. She talked to Alan about how the last year has gone and what to expect in the future – including a new album.

You can keep up to date with Lydia’s latest news by following her official Facebook page.

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Phoenix FM 10th birthday: Lydia Lucy

Lydia Lucy at Phoenix FM 25 03 2017

It was great to welcome “old” friend Lydia Lucy to our 10th birthday celebrations! Lydia came down to the Holiday Inn to chat to presenter Alan Johnson and sing a play a few songs live, including new single, the self-penned Instagram.

If you missed it you can see and hear it all again below:

Lydia has been incredibly busy since her appearance on The Voice last year, where she made the final. She talked to Alan about how the last year has gone and what to expect in the future – including a new album.

You can keep up to date with Lydia’s latest news by following her official Facebook page.

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Phoenix FM 10th birthday: Lydia Lucy

Lydia Lucy at Phoenix FM 25 03 2017

It was great to welcome “old” friend Lydia Lucy to our 10th birthday celebrations! Lydia came down to the Holiday Inn to chat to presenter Alan Johnson and sing a play a few songs live, including new single, the self-penned Instagram.

If you missed it you can see and hear it all again below:

Lydia has been incredibly busy since her appearance on The Voice last year, where she made the final. She talked to Alan about how the last year has gone and what to expect in the future – including a new album.

You can keep up to date with Lydia’s latest news by following her official Facebook page.

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