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Phoenix FM 10th birthday: Jordan Gray

Jordan Gray came down to the Holiday Inn to chat to presenters Bob Simpson and Keith Rogers and play a few songs live, including new single Platinum.

There was also some news about a rather significant change of direction in her career … but to find out, you’ll have to watch it all again.

Jordan’s been a great supporter of the station over the last few years and it was great to get her down once again. You can find out more of her latest news on her official website.

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Phoenix FM 10th birthday: Jordan Gray

Jordan Gray came down to the Holiday Inn to chat to presenters Bob Simpson and Keith Rogers and play a few songs live, including new single Platinum.

There was also some news about a rather significant change of direction in her career … but to find out, you’ll have to watch it all again.

Jordan’s been a great supporter of the station over the last few years and it was great to get her down once again. You can find out more of her latest news on her official website.

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Phoenix FM 10th birthday: Jordan Gray

Jordan Gray came down to the Holiday Inn to chat to presenters Bob Simpson and Keith Rogers and play a few songs live, including new single Platinum.

There was also some news about a rather significant change of direction in her career … but to find out, you’ll have to watch it all again.

Jordan’s been a great supporter of the station over the last few years and it was great to get her down once again. You can find out more of her latest news on her official website.

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Phoenix FM 10th birthday: Jordan Gray

Jordan Gray came down to the Holiday Inn to chat to presenters Bob Simpson and Keith Rogers and play a few songs live, including new single Platinum.

There was also some news about a rather significant change of direction in her career … but to find out, you’ll have to watch it all again.

Jordan’s been a great supporter of the station over the last few years and it was great to get her down once again. You can find out more of her latest news on her official website.

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