Is high blood pressure a problem? It’s known as the silent killer as it has no symptoms. It actually increases your chances of suffering from a stroke or heart disease or kidney disease. It can be prevented quite easily by simple dietary changes. Rolled oats are really good for keeping the pressure down, so don’t forget your porridge for breakfast!
Beetroot too is full of something called inorganic nitrate which is also very helpful in dilating arteries which in turn lowers blood pressure, along with plenty of vitamin c. Salt, on the other hand is not good. High salt intake equals high blood pressure so try to keep it down as much as possible.
Now for something completely different – how much dirt do you need? Yes scientists are now coming to the opinion that we are becoming too clean, and that as a result we are weakening our immune systems against common germs. Your grandmother probably told you the old adage ” You need to eat a peck of dirt before you die”, and it seems that science is now agreeing.
Allergies have been rising in all developed countries in recent years, so much so that they are now commonplace. Food allergies are only relatively new in terms of diagnosis. The first nut allergy was discovered in 1969! It seems to be associated more with hygiene. A report published many years ago found that poorer families living on farms surrounded by animals and with little opportunity to stay clean actually had less allergies. Hence the argument for not being obsessive over cleaning.
So it’s for you to decide. To clean or not to clean? Think I’ll opt for not cleaning!!