Brentwood: currently 5°C, cloudy
high today 6°C, low tonight 5°C
sunrise 07:54, sunset 15:49
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Walking the Crossrail


Joined in the studio by The Senior Minster of Sawyers Church, Peter Jordan (previously a Metropolitan Police officer for 25 years) to talk about his part in fundraising for a new community building.

Here’s some more information about the walk:

Peter is going to walk the Crossrail route from Heathrow to Shenfield over three days (22nd, 23rd and 24th September).  The new Crossrail route, which ends in Shenfield, will probably open around the same time as the new building, which will have a massive impact on the local community and is big news locally.


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Walking the Crossrail


Joined in the studio by The Senior Minster of Sawyers Church, Peter Jordan (previously a Metropolitan Police officer for 25 years) to talk about his part in fundraising for a new community building.

Here’s some more information about the walk:

Peter is going to walk the Crossrail route from Heathrow to Shenfield over three days (22nd, 23rd and 24th September).  The new Crossrail route, which ends in Shenfield, will probably open around the same time as the new building, which will have a massive impact on the local community and is big news locally.


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Walking the Crossrail


Joined in the studio by The Senior Minster of Sawyers Church, Peter Jordan (previously a Metropolitan Police officer for 25 years) to talk about his part in fundraising for a new community building.

Here’s some more information about the walk:

Peter is going to walk the Crossrail route from Heathrow to Shenfield over three days (22nd, 23rd and 24th September).  The new Crossrail route, which ends in Shenfield, will probably open around the same time as the new building, which will have a massive impact on the local community and is big news locally.


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Walking the Crossrail


Joined in the studio by The Senior Minster of Sawyers Church, Peter Jordan (previously a Metropolitan Police officer for 25 years) to talk about his part in fundraising for a new community building.

Here’s some more information about the walk:

Peter is going to walk the Crossrail route from Heathrow to Shenfield over three days (22nd, 23rd and 24th September).  The new Crossrail route, which ends in Shenfield, will probably open around the same time as the new building, which will have a massive impact on the local community and is big news locally.


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