Now, I must warn you here and now, if you decide to listen back to this weeks rerun of my live radio show, you may be startled, because this week, whilst chatting about the modern shed project thing called Mancaves is popular, I may had lost the plot and strayed into farce- as per. Naturally, we were held all together in this place of worship by yet more great new tracks- such as, IIOIOIOII [Pronounced IO], Psy’Aviah featuring Roeland from Model Depose, DIVVISIONS, Rita Zipora, and a cool cover from GLYDA, plus a stunningly Dark remix from Milan; care of LorD and Master– and a few classics song the way.
I talked up and coming gigs- Synth In the City, had this week results of the show opener Artist poll and my DM Fix… if you want to hear it all and share the love of these new unsigned artists, then please check out the Mixcloud rerun stream;