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Mental Health Matters – episode 14

Welcome to Episode 14 of Mental Health Matters on Phoenix FM!

Wayne Scott and Bob

Wayne Scott and Bob

Presented by Bob Simpson & Scott W

In this episode, Bob & Scott speak to Lib Dem MP for North Norfolk & Mental Health campaigner Norman Lamb about his campaign work and his family’s experience of Mental Health. (Twitter: @normanlamb)
Bob also speaks to Yoga teacher Daniel Groom, who talks about his Mental Health journey & the importance of Yoga in his life. (Twitter: @danieljgroom)
Also with our panellists, MHM semi-regular Wayne Banks and debutant , MH survivor Ricky Thamman (@VividRicky on Twitter) we have a discussion topic on Medication, a new section called Thought of Mind & some Mental Health News with Scott & Wayne.

Plus, we have a variety of Songs of the Month & our run-through of Helpful Organisations. Enjoy!

Norman Lamb MP

Norman Lamb MP

Ricky Thamman

Ricky Thamman

Daniel Groom

Daniel Groom








Songs of the Month

Song 1: I Won’t Back Down by Tom Petty

Song 2: Don’t Give Up by Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush

Song 3: Three Little Birds by Bob Marley

Song 4: Talking to the Moon by Bruno Mars

Presented by Bob Simpson & Scott W
Produced by Scott W
Contributors: Norman Lamb MP, Wayne B , Ricky Thamman, Daniel Groom & James W
Assistant Producers: Bob Simpson & Isla B
Series Consultant: Wayne B

Let us know what you think of the programme!


Twitter: @MHMpodcast

Facebook: Search “Mental Health Matters on Phoenix FM”

E-mail: (Confidentiality rules are in effect)

Helpful Organisations (correct, as of July 2016)

• Mind 0300 123 3393, text 86463 or

• Samaritans Free on 116 123 , e-mail: or

• SANE 0300 304 7000 (6-11pm every evening) or

• Elefriends (MH Support Forum) –

• Rethink Mental Illness website (for factsheets/blogs etc) :

• YoungMinds
• Parents Helpline: Call: 0808 802 5544 or
(Mon-Fri 9.30am-4pm, free from mobiles & landlines)

• The Silverline – 0800 4 70 80 90 (24 hours, 7 days a week) or

• The CALMzone (Campaign Against Living Miserably)
(5pm-midnight every evening)
• 0808 802 5858 if you’re in London
• or call 0800 58 58 58 Nationwide or

We look forward to your company for the next episode of Mental Health Matters on Phoenix FM!

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Mental Health Matters – episode 14

Welcome to Episode 14 of Mental Health Matters on Phoenix FM!

Wayne Scott and Bob

Wayne Scott and Bob

Presented by Bob Simpson & Scott W

In this episode, Bob & Scott speak to Lib Dem MP for North Norfolk & Mental Health campaigner Norman Lamb about his campaign work and his family’s experience of Mental Health. (Twitter: @normanlamb)
Bob also speaks to Yoga teacher Daniel Groom, who talks about his Mental Health journey & the importance of Yoga in his life. (Twitter: @danieljgroom)
Also with our panellists, MHM semi-regular Wayne Banks and debutant , MH survivor Ricky Thamman (@VividRicky on Twitter) we have a discussion topic on Medication, a new section called Thought of Mind & some Mental Health News with Scott & Wayne.

Plus, we have a variety of Songs of the Month & our run-through of Helpful Organisations. Enjoy!

Norman Lamb MP

Norman Lamb MP

Ricky Thamman

Ricky Thamman

Daniel Groom

Daniel Groom








Songs of the Month

Song 1: I Won’t Back Down by Tom Petty

Song 2: Don’t Give Up by Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush

Song 3: Three Little Birds by Bob Marley

Song 4: Talking to the Moon by Bruno Mars

Presented by Bob Simpson & Scott W
Produced by Scott W
Contributors: Norman Lamb MP, Wayne B , Ricky Thamman, Daniel Groom & James W
Assistant Producers: Bob Simpson & Isla B
Series Consultant: Wayne B

Let us know what you think of the programme!


Twitter: @MHMpodcast

Facebook: Search “Mental Health Matters on Phoenix FM”

E-mail: (Confidentiality rules are in effect)

Helpful Organisations (correct, as of July 2016)

• Mind 0300 123 3393, text 86463 or

• Samaritans Free on 116 123 , e-mail: or

• SANE 0300 304 7000 (6-11pm every evening) or

• Elefriends (MH Support Forum) –

• Rethink Mental Illness website (for factsheets/blogs etc) :

• YoungMinds
• Parents Helpline: Call: 0808 802 5544 or
(Mon-Fri 9.30am-4pm, free from mobiles & landlines)

• The Silverline – 0800 4 70 80 90 (24 hours, 7 days a week) or

• The CALMzone (Campaign Against Living Miserably)
(5pm-midnight every evening)
• 0808 802 5858 if you’re in London
• or call 0800 58 58 58 Nationwide or

We look forward to your company for the next episode of Mental Health Matters on Phoenix FM!

Subscribe to our newsletter!
One a month, no spam, honest

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Mental Health Matters – episode 14

Welcome to Episode 14 of Mental Health Matters on Phoenix FM!

Wayne Scott and Bob

Wayne Scott and Bob

Presented by Bob Simpson & Scott W

In this episode, Bob & Scott speak to Lib Dem MP for North Norfolk & Mental Health campaigner Norman Lamb about his campaign work and his family’s experience of Mental Health. (Twitter: @normanlamb)
Bob also speaks to Yoga teacher Daniel Groom, who talks about his Mental Health journey & the importance of Yoga in his life. (Twitter: @danieljgroom)
Also with our panellists, MHM semi-regular Wayne Banks and debutant , MH survivor Ricky Thamman (@VividRicky on Twitter) we have a discussion topic on Medication, a new section called Thought of Mind & some Mental Health News with Scott & Wayne.

Plus, we have a variety of Songs of the Month & our run-through of Helpful Organisations. Enjoy!

Norman Lamb MP

Norman Lamb MP

Ricky Thamman

Ricky Thamman

Daniel Groom

Daniel Groom








Songs of the Month

Song 1: I Won’t Back Down by Tom Petty

Song 2: Don’t Give Up by Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush

Song 3: Three Little Birds by Bob Marley

Song 4: Talking to the Moon by Bruno Mars

Presented by Bob Simpson & Scott W
Produced by Scott W
Contributors: Norman Lamb MP, Wayne B , Ricky Thamman, Daniel Groom & James W
Assistant Producers: Bob Simpson & Isla B
Series Consultant: Wayne B

Let us know what you think of the programme!


Twitter: @MHMpodcast

Facebook: Search “Mental Health Matters on Phoenix FM”

E-mail: (Confidentiality rules are in effect)

Helpful Organisations (correct, as of July 2016)

• Mind 0300 123 3393, text 86463 or

• Samaritans Free on 116 123 , e-mail: or

• SANE 0300 304 7000 (6-11pm every evening) or

• Elefriends (MH Support Forum) –

• Rethink Mental Illness website (for factsheets/blogs etc) :

• YoungMinds
• Parents Helpline: Call: 0808 802 5544 or
(Mon-Fri 9.30am-4pm, free from mobiles & landlines)

• The Silverline – 0800 4 70 80 90 (24 hours, 7 days a week) or

• The CALMzone (Campaign Against Living Miserably)
(5pm-midnight every evening)
• 0808 802 5858 if you’re in London
• or call 0800 58 58 58 Nationwide or

We look forward to your company for the next episode of Mental Health Matters on Phoenix FM!

Subscribe to our newsletter!
One a month, no spam, honest

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Mental Health Matters – episode 14

Welcome to Episode 14 of Mental Health Matters on Phoenix FM!

Wayne Scott and Bob

Wayne Scott and Bob

Presented by Bob Simpson & Scott W

In this episode, Bob & Scott speak to Lib Dem MP for North Norfolk & Mental Health campaigner Norman Lamb about his campaign work and his family’s experience of Mental Health. (Twitter: @normanlamb)
Bob also speaks to Yoga teacher Daniel Groom, who talks about his Mental Health journey & the importance of Yoga in his life. (Twitter: @danieljgroom)
Also with our panellists, MHM semi-regular Wayne Banks and debutant , MH survivor Ricky Thamman (@VividRicky on Twitter) we have a discussion topic on Medication, a new section called Thought of Mind & some Mental Health News with Scott & Wayne.

Plus, we have a variety of Songs of the Month & our run-through of Helpful Organisations. Enjoy!

Norman Lamb MP

Norman Lamb MP

Ricky Thamman

Ricky Thamman

Daniel Groom

Daniel Groom








Songs of the Month

Song 1: I Won’t Back Down by Tom Petty

Song 2: Don’t Give Up by Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush

Song 3: Three Little Birds by Bob Marley

Song 4: Talking to the Moon by Bruno Mars

Presented by Bob Simpson & Scott W
Produced by Scott W
Contributors: Norman Lamb MP, Wayne B , Ricky Thamman, Daniel Groom & James W
Assistant Producers: Bob Simpson & Isla B
Series Consultant: Wayne B

Let us know what you think of the programme!


Twitter: @MHMpodcast

Facebook: Search “Mental Health Matters on Phoenix FM”

E-mail: (Confidentiality rules are in effect)

Helpful Organisations (correct, as of July 2016)

• Mind 0300 123 3393, text 86463 or

• Samaritans Free on 116 123 , e-mail: or

• SANE 0300 304 7000 (6-11pm every evening) or

• Elefriends (MH Support Forum) –

• Rethink Mental Illness website (for factsheets/blogs etc) :

• YoungMinds
• Parents Helpline: Call: 0808 802 5544 or
(Mon-Fri 9.30am-4pm, free from mobiles & landlines)

• The Silverline – 0800 4 70 80 90 (24 hours, 7 days a week) or

• The CALMzone (Campaign Against Living Miserably)
(5pm-midnight every evening)
• 0808 802 5858 if you’re in London
• or call 0800 58 58 58 Nationwide or

We look forward to your company for the next episode of Mental Health Matters on Phoenix FM!

Subscribe to our newsletter!
One a month, no spam, honest

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