Brentwood: currently 4°C, some cloud
high today 7°C, low tonight 3°C
sunrise 07:46, sunset 15:51
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Gabrielle - Dreams
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Business as usual

At the end of a tumultuous week that saw one of the most important political events in most of our lifetimes it was business as usual on this morning’s Feelgood Saturday, including another lyric teaser when I asked if you could identify the song containing these lines:

I will not falter though, I’ll hold on till you’re home

Safely back where you belong and see how our love has grown*

*Word Up! was You’re not alone by Olive:

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Business as usual

At the end of a tumultuous week that saw one of the most important political events in most of our lifetimes it was business as usual on this morning’s Feelgood Saturday, including another lyric teaser when I asked if you could identify the song containing these lines:

I will not falter though, I’ll hold on till you’re home

Safely back where you belong and see how our love has grown*

*Word Up! was You’re not alone by Olive:

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Business as usual

At the end of a tumultuous week that saw one of the most important political events in most of our lifetimes it was business as usual on this morning’s Feelgood Saturday, including another lyric teaser when I asked if you could identify the song containing these lines:

I will not falter though, I’ll hold on till you’re home

Safely back where you belong and see how our love has grown*

*Word Up! was You’re not alone by Olive:

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Business as usual

At the end of a tumultuous week that saw one of the most important political events in most of our lifetimes it was business as usual on this morning’s Feelgood Saturday, including another lyric teaser when I asked if you could identify the song containing these lines:

I will not falter though, I’ll hold on till you’re home

Safely back where you belong and see how our love has grown*

*Word Up! was You’re not alone by Olive:

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