Brentwood: currently 8°C, some cloud
high today 10°C, low tonight 5°C
sunrise 07:49, sunset 15:50
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Cliff Bennett And The Rebel Rousers - Got To Get You Into My Life
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Oh, the flossy flossy

A great line up of feel-good songs this morning, including Fergie’s Glamorous (in the video for which she’s totally living the high life), Live it Up by Mental as Anything (from Crocodile Dundee – nearly thirty years ago) and Better off Alone by Alice Deejay (which samples the Eurythmics’ Here Comes the Rain Again).

I also gave a couple of lines from a song for you to identify:

Somehow I lost my way,
Looking to see something in your eyes.

But love will never compromise.
Now this is the politics of life.*

*Word Up! was Heart and Soul by T’Pau:

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Oh, the flossy flossy

A great line up of feel-good songs this morning, including Fergie’s Glamorous (in the video for which she’s totally living the high life), Live it Up by Mental as Anything (from Crocodile Dundee – nearly thirty years ago) and Better off Alone by Alice Deejay (which samples the Eurythmics’ Here Comes the Rain Again).

I also gave a couple of lines from a song for you to identify:

Somehow I lost my way,
Looking to see something in your eyes.

But love will never compromise.
Now this is the politics of life.*

*Word Up! was Heart and Soul by T’Pau:

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Oh, the flossy flossy

A great line up of feel-good songs this morning, including Fergie’s Glamorous (in the video for which she’s totally living the high life), Live it Up by Mental as Anything (from Crocodile Dundee – nearly thirty years ago) and Better off Alone by Alice Deejay (which samples the Eurythmics’ Here Comes the Rain Again).

I also gave a couple of lines from a song for you to identify:

Somehow I lost my way,
Looking to see something in your eyes.

But love will never compromise.
Now this is the politics of life.*

*Word Up! was Heart and Soul by T’Pau:

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Oh, the flossy flossy

A great line up of feel-good songs this morning, including Fergie’s Glamorous (in the video for which she’s totally living the high life), Live it Up by Mental as Anything (from Crocodile Dundee – nearly thirty years ago) and Better off Alone by Alice Deejay (which samples the Eurythmics’ Here Comes the Rain Again).

I also gave a couple of lines from a song for you to identify:

Somehow I lost my way,
Looking to see something in your eyes.

But love will never compromise.
Now this is the politics of life.*

*Word Up! was Heart and Soul by T’Pau:

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