Brentwood: currently 8°C, cloudy
high today 8°C, low tonight 2°C
sunrise 07:47, sunset 15:50
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Mr Kolpert – Lion and unicorn theatre

‘There’s an elephant in the room. Or rather, a corpse in the trunk.
Ralf and Sarah are hosting a dinner party. To spice things up they convince their guests there’s a dead body in their trunk. The ultimate ice-breaker’.  The lovely Matt Lynch gave us at phoenix fm an insight in to the brilliant play that he is in currently at the Lion and the Unicorn theatre in Kentish Town from the 2ND-7TH MAY and the 9TH-14TH MAY.


I absolutely loved having Matt on my show, and can not wait to see him perform !



Mr Kolpert – Lion and unicorn theatre

‘There’s an elephant in the room. Or rather, a corpse in the trunk.
Ralf and Sarah are hosting a dinner party. To spice things up they convince their guests there’s a dead body in their trunk. The ultimate ice-breaker’.  The lovely Matt Lynch gave us at phoenix fm an insight in to the brilliant play that he is in currently at the Lion and the Unicorn theatre in Kentish Town from the 2ND-7TH MAY and the 9TH-14TH MAY.


I absolutely loved having Matt on my show, and can not wait to see him perform !



Mr Kolpert – Lion and unicorn theatre

‘There’s an elephant in the room. Or rather, a corpse in the trunk.
Ralf and Sarah are hosting a dinner party. To spice things up they convince their guests there’s a dead body in their trunk. The ultimate ice-breaker’.  The lovely Matt Lynch gave us at phoenix fm an insight in to the brilliant play that he is in currently at the Lion and the Unicorn theatre in Kentish Town from the 2ND-7TH MAY and the 9TH-14TH MAY.


I absolutely loved having Matt on my show, and can not wait to see him perform !



Mr Kolpert – Lion and unicorn theatre

‘There’s an elephant in the room. Or rather, a corpse in the trunk.
Ralf and Sarah are hosting a dinner party. To spice things up they convince their guests there’s a dead body in their trunk. The ultimate ice-breaker’.  The lovely Matt Lynch gave us at phoenix fm an insight in to the brilliant play that he is in currently at the Lion and the Unicorn theatre in Kentish Town from the 2ND-7TH MAY and the 9TH-14TH MAY.


I absolutely loved having Matt on my show, and can not wait to see him perform !


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