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Robyn Regan Returns!

Following her interview back in August to promote her debut single, Robyn Regan returned to the Phoenix FM studio tonight to tell us all about her debut EP, This Love.
With 4 brand new tracks including her hit ‘Oh I’, This Love is all about different types of love – romantic, family love and friendships.  All written from other people’s point of view, lead track ‘This Love, ‘Dream’ and her favourite song, ‘Separate Ways’ have a cheesey pop sound which would fit perfectly into today’s charts.

Robyn Heart

Answering questions posed by her Reganators on a live video chat, she also revealed in the interview how she has started to get recognised in the street! Find out how she reacts and some personal facts like why she is so small (asked by one of her fans!) by listening back to the interview below:
(It also includes ‘This Love’ & ‘Separate Ways’!)


To keep up to date with Robyn’s progress in the music industry check out her brand new website:

And follow her social media:
Twitter: RobynlouRegan
Facebook: RobynReganOfficialFanClub

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Robyn Regan Returns!

Following her interview back in August to promote her debut single, Robyn Regan returned to the Phoenix FM studio tonight to tell us all about her debut EP, This Love.
With 4 brand new tracks including her hit ‘Oh I’, This Love is all about different types of love – romantic, family love and friendships.  All written from other people’s point of view, lead track ‘This Love, ‘Dream’ and her favourite song, ‘Separate Ways’ have a cheesey pop sound which would fit perfectly into today’s charts.

Robyn Heart

Answering questions posed by her Reganators on a live video chat, she also revealed in the interview how she has started to get recognised in the street! Find out how she reacts and some personal facts like why she is so small (asked by one of her fans!) by listening back to the interview below:
(It also includes ‘This Love’ & ‘Separate Ways’!)


To keep up to date with Robyn’s progress in the music industry check out her brand new website:

And follow her social media:
Twitter: RobynlouRegan
Facebook: RobynReganOfficialFanClub

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Robyn Regan Returns!

Following her interview back in August to promote her debut single, Robyn Regan returned to the Phoenix FM studio tonight to tell us all about her debut EP, This Love.
With 4 brand new tracks including her hit ‘Oh I’, This Love is all about different types of love – romantic, family love and friendships.  All written from other people’s point of view, lead track ‘This Love, ‘Dream’ and her favourite song, ‘Separate Ways’ have a cheesey pop sound which would fit perfectly into today’s charts.

Robyn Heart

Answering questions posed by her Reganators on a live video chat, she also revealed in the interview how she has started to get recognised in the street! Find out how she reacts and some personal facts like why she is so small (asked by one of her fans!) by listening back to the interview below:
(It also includes ‘This Love’ & ‘Separate Ways’!)


To keep up to date with Robyn’s progress in the music industry check out her brand new website:

And follow her social media:
Twitter: RobynlouRegan
Facebook: RobynReganOfficialFanClub

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Robyn Regan Returns!

Following her interview back in August to promote her debut single, Robyn Regan returned to the Phoenix FM studio tonight to tell us all about her debut EP, This Love.
With 4 brand new tracks including her hit ‘Oh I’, This Love is all about different types of love – romantic, family love and friendships.  All written from other people’s point of view, lead track ‘This Love, ‘Dream’ and her favourite song, ‘Separate Ways’ have a cheesey pop sound which would fit perfectly into today’s charts.

Robyn Heart

Answering questions posed by her Reganators on a live video chat, she also revealed in the interview how she has started to get recognised in the street! Find out how she reacts and some personal facts like why she is so small (asked by one of her fans!) by listening back to the interview below:
(It also includes ‘This Love’ & ‘Separate Ways’!)


To keep up to date with Robyn’s progress in the music industry check out her brand new website:

And follow her social media:
Twitter: RobynlouRegan
Facebook: RobynReganOfficialFanClub

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