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high today 6°C, low tonight 4°C
sunrise 07:55, sunset 15:49
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Star Recorder-player Visits Phoenix

12576022_10154512408291038_1768724630_nThis is Kim Tobin and last Friday she popped along to Phoenix to play her beautiful version of Westlife’s “My love” live on air. It was an experience that myself, Mike Jones and Bob Simpson will never forget. Awe-inspiring, moving, heartfelt, and now you have the opportunity to share with us that magical performance once more as it has been recorded and added to the Phoenix archives. Just click on the link above.

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Star Recorder-player Visits Phoenix

12576022_10154512408291038_1768724630_nThis is Kim Tobin and last Friday she popped along to Phoenix to play her beautiful version of Westlife’s “My love” live on air. It was an experience that myself, Mike Jones and Bob Simpson will never forget. Awe-inspiring, moving, heartfelt, and now you have the opportunity to share with us that magical performance once more as it has been recorded and added to the Phoenix archives. Just click on the link above.

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Star Recorder-player Visits Phoenix

12576022_10154512408291038_1768724630_nThis is Kim Tobin and last Friday she popped along to Phoenix to play her beautiful version of Westlife’s “My love” live on air. It was an experience that myself, Mike Jones and Bob Simpson will never forget. Awe-inspiring, moving, heartfelt, and now you have the opportunity to share with us that magical performance once more as it has been recorded and added to the Phoenix archives. Just click on the link above.

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Star Recorder-player Visits Phoenix

12576022_10154512408291038_1768724630_nThis is Kim Tobin and last Friday she popped along to Phoenix to play her beautiful version of Westlife’s “My love” live on air. It was an experience that myself, Mike Jones and Bob Simpson will never forget. Awe-inspiring, moving, heartfelt, and now you have the opportunity to share with us that magical performance once more as it has been recorded and added to the Phoenix archives. Just click on the link above.

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