Brentwood Community Print through their Ted Bares campaign are soon to launch their “Ted Bares Confidence and Empowerment training course” with support and funding from the Big Lottery Fund.
The course has been designed by Andy Woodcock and is structured to run for one hour per week over a 4/5 week period.
The course is a mixture of confidence building techniques/discussion and audio visual presentations together with other topics for example positive affirmations. Andy aims to be providing this to small groups of six to eight people at a time which should make it an easier environment for attendees. Refreshments will be provided.
Brentwood community print are currently looking to build a list of attendees with a view to starting the first course towards the middle of next month.
If people would like to contact Andy they can call him on 01277 849021 or email
Andy will be joining me in two weeks time on the show to tell us more…