Brentwood: currently 12°C, some cloud
high today 12°C, low tonight 9°C
sunrise 07:43, sunset 15:52
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Council leader Louise McKinlay talks about her plans for Brentwood

After the Conservative party’s gains in the May elections, group leader Cllr Louise McKinlay finds herself back in control of the borough’s decision-making.

Mike Porter with Louise McKinlay

Louise spoke to Mike Porter about her plans for the coming months and you can hear her interview again below:

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Council leader Louise McKinlay talks about her plans for Brentwood

After the Conservative party’s gains in the May elections, group leader Cllr Louise McKinlay finds herself back in control of the borough’s decision-making.

Mike Porter with Louise McKinlay

Louise spoke to Mike Porter about her plans for the coming months and you can hear her interview again below:

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Council leader Louise McKinlay talks about her plans for Brentwood

After the Conservative party’s gains in the May elections, group leader Cllr Louise McKinlay finds herself back in control of the borough’s decision-making.

Mike Porter with Louise McKinlay

Louise spoke to Mike Porter about her plans for the coming months and you can hear her interview again below:

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Council leader Louise McKinlay talks about her plans for Brentwood

After the Conservative party’s gains in the May elections, group leader Cllr Louise McKinlay finds herself back in control of the borough’s decision-making.

Mike Porter with Louise McKinlay

Louise spoke to Mike Porter about her plans for the coming months and you can hear her interview again below:

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