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Can you help? Brentwood charity appeal for wheelchairs

In the next few weeks, 60 physically-disabled children will have been moved from institutions all over Bulgaria into smaller homes in Varna.

Most have no wheelchairs and are at present on the floor.

Brentwood-based charity Frontline is leading the efforts to get wheelchairs and other equipment to improve the quality of life for these children.

Gill Soper, one of the charity’s trustees, said: “As you can imagine it’s hard to rehabilitate them in any way. Pysiotherapist Ann Todorov is working to assess each child, make a care plan, teach carers how to look after the children and refer them to other centres where necessary.

She is the only physio and without wheelchairs/seating her task is almost impossible.

The children also need eating aids – special cutlery, bowls, bibs etc.

If you can help please call Gill on 01277 218902 or email her on

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Can you help? Brentwood charity appeal for wheelchairs

In the next few weeks, 60 physically-disabled children will have been moved from institutions all over Bulgaria into smaller homes in Varna.

Most have no wheelchairs and are at present on the floor.

Brentwood-based charity Frontline is leading the efforts to get wheelchairs and other equipment to improve the quality of life for these children.

Gill Soper, one of the charity’s trustees, said: “As you can imagine it’s hard to rehabilitate them in any way. Pysiotherapist Ann Todorov is working to assess each child, make a care plan, teach carers how to look after the children and refer them to other centres where necessary.

She is the only physio and without wheelchairs/seating her task is almost impossible.

The children also need eating aids – special cutlery, bowls, bibs etc.

If you can help please call Gill on 01277 218902 or email her on

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Can you help? Brentwood charity appeal for wheelchairs

In the next few weeks, 60 physically-disabled children will have been moved from institutions all over Bulgaria into smaller homes in Varna.

Most have no wheelchairs and are at present on the floor.

Brentwood-based charity Frontline is leading the efforts to get wheelchairs and other equipment to improve the quality of life for these children.

Gill Soper, one of the charity’s trustees, said: “As you can imagine it’s hard to rehabilitate them in any way. Pysiotherapist Ann Todorov is working to assess each child, make a care plan, teach carers how to look after the children and refer them to other centres where necessary.

She is the only physio and without wheelchairs/seating her task is almost impossible.

The children also need eating aids – special cutlery, bowls, bibs etc.

If you can help please call Gill on 01277 218902 or email her on

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Can you help? Brentwood charity appeal for wheelchairs

In the next few weeks, 60 physically-disabled children will have been moved from institutions all over Bulgaria into smaller homes in Varna.

Most have no wheelchairs and are at present on the floor.

Brentwood-based charity Frontline is leading the efforts to get wheelchairs and other equipment to improve the quality of life for these children.

Gill Soper, one of the charity’s trustees, said: “As you can imagine it’s hard to rehabilitate them in any way. Pysiotherapist Ann Todorov is working to assess each child, make a care plan, teach carers how to look after the children and refer them to other centres where necessary.

She is the only physio and without wheelchairs/seating her task is almost impossible.

The children also need eating aids – special cutlery, bowls, bibs etc.

If you can help please call Gill on 01277 218902 or email her on

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