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Body Talk 7/1/15

Yes it’s that New Year Resolution time again, and as per usual there will be approximately 88 per cent of us that fail to stick to them. So are you one of the 12 per cent that sticks to their guns?

Don’t worry if you’re not. It doesn’t matter what day of the year it is, it’s never too late to make a resolution to change. So even if you started out with good intentions and failed, then pick yourself up and start again.

To make your resolutions stick make sure they are achievable and worthwhile. Start a diary so you can keep a record of how well you’re doing. That way if you do falter for a day or two you can look back at your track record to fire up your willpower again.

Identify the things that stop you from achieving your goals. Stress and boredom can be really challenging, so anticipate your weaknesses and try to make plans to avoid those triggers.

If you do an activity for 21 days it starts to become habit, so give yourself three weeks at least to adopt new ways.

So whether it’s diet or exercise that you’re focusing on, or simply spending more time getting to know yourself, decide to start now!!

It’s never too late, and now is always a good time to start. No time for regrets, put the past behind you and move forward with a smile and renewed confidence in yourself.

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Body Talk 7/1/15

Yes it’s that New Year Resolution time again, and as per usual there will be approximately 88 per cent of us that fail to stick to them. So are you one of the 12 per cent that sticks to their guns?

Don’t worry if you’re not. It doesn’t matter what day of the year it is, it’s never too late to make a resolution to change. So even if you started out with good intentions and failed, then pick yourself up and start again.

To make your resolutions stick make sure they are achievable and worthwhile. Start a diary so you can keep a record of how well you’re doing. That way if you do falter for a day or two you can look back at your track record to fire up your willpower again.

Identify the things that stop you from achieving your goals. Stress and boredom can be really challenging, so anticipate your weaknesses and try to make plans to avoid those triggers.

If you do an activity for 21 days it starts to become habit, so give yourself three weeks at least to adopt new ways.

So whether it’s diet or exercise that you’re focusing on, or simply spending more time getting to know yourself, decide to start now!!

It’s never too late, and now is always a good time to start. No time for regrets, put the past behind you and move forward with a smile and renewed confidence in yourself.

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Body Talk 7/1/15

Yes it’s that New Year Resolution time again, and as per usual there will be approximately 88 per cent of us that fail to stick to them. So are you one of the 12 per cent that sticks to their guns?

Don’t worry if you’re not. It doesn’t matter what day of the year it is, it’s never too late to make a resolution to change. So even if you started out with good intentions and failed, then pick yourself up and start again.

To make your resolutions stick make sure they are achievable and worthwhile. Start a diary so you can keep a record of how well you’re doing. That way if you do falter for a day or two you can look back at your track record to fire up your willpower again.

Identify the things that stop you from achieving your goals. Stress and boredom can be really challenging, so anticipate your weaknesses and try to make plans to avoid those triggers.

If you do an activity for 21 days it starts to become habit, so give yourself three weeks at least to adopt new ways.

So whether it’s diet or exercise that you’re focusing on, or simply spending more time getting to know yourself, decide to start now!!

It’s never too late, and now is always a good time to start. No time for regrets, put the past behind you and move forward with a smile and renewed confidence in yourself.

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Body Talk 7/1/15

Yes it’s that New Year Resolution time again, and as per usual there will be approximately 88 per cent of us that fail to stick to them. So are you one of the 12 per cent that sticks to their guns?

Don’t worry if you’re not. It doesn’t matter what day of the year it is, it’s never too late to make a resolution to change. So even if you started out with good intentions and failed, then pick yourself up and start again.

To make your resolutions stick make sure they are achievable and worthwhile. Start a diary so you can keep a record of how well you’re doing. That way if you do falter for a day or two you can look back at your track record to fire up your willpower again.

Identify the things that stop you from achieving your goals. Stress and boredom can be really challenging, so anticipate your weaknesses and try to make plans to avoid those triggers.

If you do an activity for 21 days it starts to become habit, so give yourself three weeks at least to adopt new ways.

So whether it’s diet or exercise that you’re focusing on, or simply spending more time getting to know yourself, decide to start now!!

It’s never too late, and now is always a good time to start. No time for regrets, put the past behind you and move forward with a smile and renewed confidence in yourself.

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