Brentwood: currently 14°C, light rain
high today 20°C, low tonight 14°C
sunrise 07:25, sunset 18:02
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Is It Legal – with DPP Law in Brentwood. Under Arrest & Drug Driving Tests

Paul Greenburg joined me to talk criminal law.

With the new drug driving tests on the horizon, we discuss the implications and, if you’re under arrest, what are you entitled to?

Paul also gives an insight to the ‘human’ impact of dealing with a wide variety of people from different backgrounds.


Is It Legal – with DPP Law in Brentwood. Under Arrest & Drug Driving Tests

Paul Greenburg joined me to talk criminal law.

With the new drug driving tests on the horizon, we discuss the implications and, if you’re under arrest, what are you entitled to?

Paul also gives an insight to the ‘human’ impact of dealing with a wide variety of people from different backgrounds.


Is It Legal – with DPP Law in Brentwood. Under Arrest & Drug Driving Tests

Paul Greenburg joined me to talk criminal law.

With the new drug driving tests on the horizon, we discuss the implications and, if you’re under arrest, what are you entitled to?

Paul also gives an insight to the ‘human’ impact of dealing with a wide variety of people from different backgrounds.


Is It Legal – with DPP Law in Brentwood. Under Arrest & Drug Driving Tests

Paul Greenburg joined me to talk criminal law.

With the new drug driving tests on the horizon, we discuss the implications and, if you’re under arrest, what are you entitled to?

Paul also gives an insight to the ‘human’ impact of dealing with a wide variety of people from different backgrounds.

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