Brentwood: currently 11°C, cloudy
high today 15°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:05, sunset 18:29
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Temporary play area closure for essential maintenance

Brentwood Borough Council would like to advise visitors to King George’s Playing Fields that the play area will be closed on Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th July to allow for the delivery and installation of play grade wood chip to replace that damaged by the recent wet weather.


Brentwood Borough Council’s Chair of the Community Committee, Councillor Karen Chilvers, said “Unfortunately the severe rain we have experienced in the last few weeks has meant that the bark safety surfacing around the play equipment has either been degraded or washed away. The safety of children using the park is of the utmost importance to us and with that in mind, we urgently want to replace it. We sympathise that any closure of such a popular play area during the school holidays is not ideal but we are sure that parents will understand that safety comes first”.

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Temporary play area closure for essential maintenance

Brentwood Borough Council would like to advise visitors to King George’s Playing Fields that the play area will be closed on Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th July to allow for the delivery and installation of play grade wood chip to replace that damaged by the recent wet weather.


Brentwood Borough Council’s Chair of the Community Committee, Councillor Karen Chilvers, said “Unfortunately the severe rain we have experienced in the last few weeks has meant that the bark safety surfacing around the play equipment has either been degraded or washed away. The safety of children using the park is of the utmost importance to us and with that in mind, we urgently want to replace it. We sympathise that any closure of such a popular play area during the school holidays is not ideal but we are sure that parents will understand that safety comes first”.

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Temporary play area closure for essential maintenance

Brentwood Borough Council would like to advise visitors to King George’s Playing Fields that the play area will be closed on Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th July to allow for the delivery and installation of play grade wood chip to replace that damaged by the recent wet weather.


Brentwood Borough Council’s Chair of the Community Committee, Councillor Karen Chilvers, said “Unfortunately the severe rain we have experienced in the last few weeks has meant that the bark safety surfacing around the play equipment has either been degraded or washed away. The safety of children using the park is of the utmost importance to us and with that in mind, we urgently want to replace it. We sympathise that any closure of such a popular play area during the school holidays is not ideal but we are sure that parents will understand that safety comes first”.

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Temporary play area closure for essential maintenance

Brentwood Borough Council would like to advise visitors to King George’s Playing Fields that the play area will be closed on Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th July to allow for the delivery and installation of play grade wood chip to replace that damaged by the recent wet weather.


Brentwood Borough Council’s Chair of the Community Committee, Councillor Karen Chilvers, said “Unfortunately the severe rain we have experienced in the last few weeks has meant that the bark safety surfacing around the play equipment has either been degraded or washed away. The safety of children using the park is of the utmost importance to us and with that in mind, we urgently want to replace it. We sympathise that any closure of such a popular play area during the school holidays is not ideal but we are sure that parents will understand that safety comes first”.

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