My guest tonight was Judy Lewis, personal Trainer.
Judy came on the show about 6 months ago, not just talking about her successes with personal training and fitness, but also to introduce her marvellous new machine Laser Liposculpt. It is a system that removes inches of fat within hours!!! Now that has to be good news.
Judy is now working at a salon in Thurrock and is having great success with the liposculpt. She showed me the before and after pictures of several of her clients and the difference in just one session is amazing. The machine works while you rest. What could be simpler? You do need to do a bit of exercise immediately after to get the system moving and expel the fat that the machine has loosened up. But that’s the only down side.
Judy was also commenting on recent research that highlights how important exercise is as we get older. It has been shown that it can even delay the onset of dementia and alzheimers. It doesn’t matter what age you are it’s never too late to start exercising and to start reaping the benefits.
We did touch on the subject of nutrition too. It’s vital to have a reasonably healthy diet. If you can combine a good exercise routine with a diet filled with fresh foods you will live not just longer but healthier too.
You can find Judy on facebook on judy’s Laser Lipolysis and you can also follow her on Twitter @judyslaserlipo