So the last clip you saw was ‘Taking The Hobbit’s To Isengard’. This time it is the turn of another Lord of the Rings clip. Now, here is some back story… In 2010 a clip went viral on YouTube called ‘Trololololololo’. The reason for the name was because that was the only way people would understand the song would be by the sound of the singing as the original clip was brodcasted on television in a foreign country. You will understand when you watch this next clip…
Eventhough no one knows what the hell this guy is singing about it has become one of the most strangest comedy clips of all time on YouTube. Now days if anyone hears it, they would want to jump out of the window and think ‘oh no not again!!!’ so it was only a matter of time before remixes were created to highlight just that fact including this next clip which has become even more popular than the original clip with just under 22 million views. This is ‘Lord of the Rings: Trolololololo’.