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All the comforts of Home

As usual on a Tuesday I was joined for another ESSEX TALE, by Carl Merry who whilst moving away from demons, stuck with another strange creature. Last week we heard all about the Devil’s Dog but this week it was off to Saffron Walden to hear all about a dragon type creature and the knight brought in to kill it.

If you missed the story listen again here: – Essex Tales 18th February

Horse indoorsIt seems that it has not been just the UK which has suffered from all the bad weather as over in Germany a woman is now regretting her decision to bring her horse into the house to shelter from the bad weather. Unfortunately NASIR, the trusty steed has become so comfortable in the house that now he doesn’t want to go back to his nearby stables. Owner M/s Arndt says ‘He is not a fan of the wind and the rain.’

As well as enjoying the luxuries of the house, Nasar also seems to have acquired some human tastes. He reportedly likes to eat sweets, drink fruit juice and play the keyboard – probably just horsing around!

Although M/s Arndt allows the stallion in her house during the day, he is always forced to return to his stables at night – no matter how long that process takes.

Car Park

nuclear bunker






Meanwhile an underground parking space has just sold for an eye-watering £400,000. Compare that with the asking price of £50,000 for a former cold war nuclear bunker. If you can live without views, the 3,000sq ft refuge in Coswarth, Newquay, represents good value in the current house price boom. Built in 1978, it was designed for 16 staff from the South West Water Authority so they could maintain supplies after Armageddon. Several blast-proof doors will deter burglars and a decontamination room will help keep it spick and span.

The bunker and some attached land will be auctioned on March 25 by Webbers Estate Agents.

Right I’m off to TUESDAY CLUB.

See you again next week.


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All the comforts of Home

As usual on a Tuesday I was joined for another ESSEX TALE, by Carl Merry who whilst moving away from demons, stuck with another strange creature. Last week we heard all about the Devil’s Dog but this week it was off to Saffron Walden to hear all about a dragon type creature and the knight brought in to kill it.

If you missed the story listen again here: – Essex Tales 18th February

Horse indoorsIt seems that it has not been just the UK which has suffered from all the bad weather as over in Germany a woman is now regretting her decision to bring her horse into the house to shelter from the bad weather. Unfortunately NASIR, the trusty steed has become so comfortable in the house that now he doesn’t want to go back to his nearby stables. Owner M/s Arndt says ‘He is not a fan of the wind and the rain.’

As well as enjoying the luxuries of the house, Nasar also seems to have acquired some human tastes. He reportedly likes to eat sweets, drink fruit juice and play the keyboard – probably just horsing around!

Although M/s Arndt allows the stallion in her house during the day, he is always forced to return to his stables at night – no matter how long that process takes.

Car Park

nuclear bunker






Meanwhile an underground parking space has just sold for an eye-watering £400,000. Compare that with the asking price of £50,000 for a former cold war nuclear bunker. If you can live without views, the 3,000sq ft refuge in Coswarth, Newquay, represents good value in the current house price boom. Built in 1978, it was designed for 16 staff from the South West Water Authority so they could maintain supplies after Armageddon. Several blast-proof doors will deter burglars and a decontamination room will help keep it spick and span.

The bunker and some attached land will be auctioned on March 25 by Webbers Estate Agents.

Right I’m off to TUESDAY CLUB.

See you again next week.


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All the comforts of Home

As usual on a Tuesday I was joined for another ESSEX TALE, by Carl Merry who whilst moving away from demons, stuck with another strange creature. Last week we heard all about the Devil’s Dog but this week it was off to Saffron Walden to hear all about a dragon type creature and the knight brought in to kill it.

If you missed the story listen again here: – Essex Tales 18th February

Horse indoorsIt seems that it has not been just the UK which has suffered from all the bad weather as over in Germany a woman is now regretting her decision to bring her horse into the house to shelter from the bad weather. Unfortunately NASIR, the trusty steed has become so comfortable in the house that now he doesn’t want to go back to his nearby stables. Owner M/s Arndt says ‘He is not a fan of the wind and the rain.’

As well as enjoying the luxuries of the house, Nasar also seems to have acquired some human tastes. He reportedly likes to eat sweets, drink fruit juice and play the keyboard – probably just horsing around!

Although M/s Arndt allows the stallion in her house during the day, he is always forced to return to his stables at night – no matter how long that process takes.

Car Park

nuclear bunker






Meanwhile an underground parking space has just sold for an eye-watering £400,000. Compare that with the asking price of £50,000 for a former cold war nuclear bunker. If you can live without views, the 3,000sq ft refuge in Coswarth, Newquay, represents good value in the current house price boom. Built in 1978, it was designed for 16 staff from the South West Water Authority so they could maintain supplies after Armageddon. Several blast-proof doors will deter burglars and a decontamination room will help keep it spick and span.

The bunker and some attached land will be auctioned on March 25 by Webbers Estate Agents.

Right I’m off to TUESDAY CLUB.

See you again next week.


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All the comforts of Home

As usual on a Tuesday I was joined for another ESSEX TALE, by Carl Merry who whilst moving away from demons, stuck with another strange creature. Last week we heard all about the Devil’s Dog but this week it was off to Saffron Walden to hear all about a dragon type creature and the knight brought in to kill it.

If you missed the story listen again here: – Essex Tales 18th February

Horse indoorsIt seems that it has not been just the UK which has suffered from all the bad weather as over in Germany a woman is now regretting her decision to bring her horse into the house to shelter from the bad weather. Unfortunately NASIR, the trusty steed has become so comfortable in the house that now he doesn’t want to go back to his nearby stables. Owner M/s Arndt says ‘He is not a fan of the wind and the rain.’

As well as enjoying the luxuries of the house, Nasar also seems to have acquired some human tastes. He reportedly likes to eat sweets, drink fruit juice and play the keyboard – probably just horsing around!

Although M/s Arndt allows the stallion in her house during the day, he is always forced to return to his stables at night – no matter how long that process takes.

Car Park

nuclear bunker






Meanwhile an underground parking space has just sold for an eye-watering £400,000. Compare that with the asking price of £50,000 for a former cold war nuclear bunker. If you can live without views, the 3,000sq ft refuge in Coswarth, Newquay, represents good value in the current house price boom. Built in 1978, it was designed for 16 staff from the South West Water Authority so they could maintain supplies after Armageddon. Several blast-proof doors will deter burglars and a decontamination room will help keep it spick and span.

The bunker and some attached land will be auctioned on March 25 by Webbers Estate Agents.

Right I’m off to TUESDAY CLUB.

See you again next week.


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