The first show of the year 2014, and I welcomed on to the show and into the Phoenix FM studio, the band Velvet Tree.
Velvet Tree whom originate from Southend on Sea, are a 3 piece band comprising;
Tarek…Guitar/Lead Vocals
It was the bands second visit to the studio, having popped on to the show back in April 2013 after their live set for the Phoenix FM creative sessions, although due to the time restraint the band did not perform live for their first visit, so I was extremely excited to welcome the band back to the show having had a chat with them via facebook.
Velvet Tree who are about to release their new album, also played some of their new material live in studio exclusively for the Show.
To listen to the interview in full click on the audio tab below;
Velvet Tree interview 2014_0 full interview
To listen again to the tracks only, select and click on the audio tabs below;
velvet tree shade_0 Shade
velvet tree pockets full of rain_0 Pockets Full of Rain
velvet tree celebrity_0 Celebrity
velvet tree amnesia_0 Amnesia
For bookings or more information on Velvet Tree use the following links;
Twitter; @VelvetTree