Sometimes the musicians that find me on Twitter are just up the road. Sometimes they are much further afield. Marcio was recommended to me by Ross Barber of Electric Kiwi (web design and social media ) who’s a friend of Artists’ Academy and who has been kind enough to provide us with advice about online marketing. Ross collaborated with Marcio on his website design.
Play this whilst you are reading this post ———> Marcio Novelli – This Song Is Not For You
Don’t let people tell you what you can and can’t do because I’m walking proof
– Marcio Novelli
Marcio’s an award-winning singer/songwriter based in Toronto, Canada. I loved his story because it’s typifies what we stand for at Artists’ Academy. In late 2011, Marcio set out to record his debut full length album in just seventeen days playing practically every instrument himself and funding the recording out of his pocket, without the support of any record label. His tribulations were recorded in a documentary called ‘Walking Proof’ (the trailer of which has had over 172,000 views ). It’s clear Marcio embraces life and the message of accepting yourself as you are. As he says, ‘I’d rather live with rejection than regret’.
So strong is the support of this message that he’s even had fans send him extreme pictures of their concurrence from all across North America. As seen below this fan even tattooed the lyric “Perfection is a flaw” from Marcio’s song “Better” on their arm! And this isn’t an isolated occurrence. Marcio’s Facebook page shows quite a few tattoos sent in by fans. When it’s powerful, by all means ink what you think folks – but paper works just as well for those wanting something a little less permanent. 😉
Beyond music he’s got an impressive perspicacity in social media. He has a very healthy global following on all social media platforms and knows how to make something go viral. To give you an example the lowest number of views I could find for one of his tracks on Youtube was approximately 25,000. The highest were reaching over a quarter of a million.
Marcio is the type of artist that makes other artists think that they can do it too
His track ‘This Song Is Not For You’ is an adamant angst ridden number that’s perfect for when you are trying to convince yourself that a certain person doesn’t matter anymore. His new album “It’s not an excuse. It’s a reason” is also out now.
Marcio is perfect example of what dedication and commitment can achieve. Hats off to you Marcio!
You can find Marcio Novelli here:
and of course, Twitter @marcionovelli