Brentwood: currently 6°C, cloudy
high today 11°C, low tonight 5°C
sunrise 07:48, sunset 16:33
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Katanak - Do Nothing With Me
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Lighting Up Brentwood – Meet the Acts – Marilena Gant

So in case you haven’t heard, Phoenix FM are the host for this years Christmas light switch on in Brentwood High Street on 30th November. So in the lead up to the event, across the daytime show’s, we are having the various acts, who will be performing on the day to come in to have a chat, play some songs and maybe throw in a couple of Live sessions.

On Friday we welcomed 16 year old classical singer Marilena Gant onto the show.

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Lighting Up Brentwood – Meet the Acts – Marilena Gant

So in case you haven’t heard, Phoenix FM are the host for this years Christmas light switch on in Brentwood High Street on 30th November. So in the lead up to the event, across the daytime show’s, we are having the various acts, who will be performing on the day to come in to have a chat, play some songs and maybe throw in a couple of Live sessions.

On Friday we welcomed 16 year old classical singer Marilena Gant onto the show.

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Lighting Up Brentwood – Meet the Acts – Marilena Gant

So in case you haven’t heard, Phoenix FM are the host for this years Christmas light switch on in Brentwood High Street on 30th November. So in the lead up to the event, across the daytime show’s, we are having the various acts, who will be performing on the day to come in to have a chat, play some songs and maybe throw in a couple of Live sessions.

On Friday we welcomed 16 year old classical singer Marilena Gant onto the show.

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Lighting Up Brentwood – Meet the Acts – Marilena Gant

So in case you haven’t heard, Phoenix FM are the host for this years Christmas light switch on in Brentwood High Street on 30th November. So in the lead up to the event, across the daytime show’s, we are having the various acts, who will be performing on the day to come in to have a chat, play some songs and maybe throw in a couple of Live sessions.

On Friday we welcomed 16 year old classical singer Marilena Gant onto the show.

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