Windy Weather!
The forecast is for gales with gusts up to 90 miles per hour. Enough to do some serious damage to buildings and gardens. Trees are particularly vulnerable with all their leaves on it will act like a sail and with wet soil easy to topple over. So some tips of what you can do this afternoon to minimise the risk.
1, move patio pots to a less windy area of the garden.
2, take inside tables and chairs so they won’t blow around
3, make sure newly planted trees are well staked.
4, cut down tall roses by a half to stop them rocking around in the ground
5, tie down anything likely to blow away
And finally some things not to do!
1, appealing as it may seem do not go for a walk In the woods!
2, if passing under conker or oak trees do not look up! Falling acorns or conkers hurt especially if they hit you in the eye.
Stay safe and see you next week!