Brentwood Borough Council’s controversial decision to remove a one hour parking charge in Brentwood was reversed last night at the Council’s Community Committee.
A motion to reintrodce the minimum charge was presented by Cllr Davies (LD) and the opposition won the vote 4-3. Voting for the motion were Davies, Cllr Clark (LD), Cllr Clarke (BwdF) and Cllr Le-Surf (Lab). Three Conservative councillors, Cllr Russell, Cllr Golding and Cllr Murphy abstained while Cllr Hossack and Cllr Sparling left the meeting early.
Brentwood Lib Dems had set up a petition in support of the reversal which attracted 140 signatures. This was presented to the full council meeting on 10 July by Lib Dem Cllr Karen Chilvers.